11# Family time and first ultrasound

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Hey guys😘! I've decided to scrap the competition. But I will still use the charcater created by Blaziken_Mask. Thanks you for your creativity and I will be sure put your character in chapter 15 like I promised.

And to answer the question by JorgeWrites:

Q: Are you planning on making One-Shots later on?

A: I will be writing one-shots eventually. Sorry if they aren't good at first. I have already started thinking of one, but you guys will have to wait for some time.

You guys can still ask me questions, I will answer all of them. Don't be shy, I'm a nice person😊.

Now that I've gotten that out of the way...

Let's get back to the story!

Serena's POV:
We have been living here for about a week already and living here has been great. Ash and I have fixed up the truck and it looks brand new. We spray painted it black.

I am in bed now relaxing. I got up before to go brush my teeth and have a shower and then I went back to bed. Ash got up a long time ago to get ready for today. I get out of bed and look in the mirror and I have a little baby bump. Today is my first doctors appointment and I am excited.

I put my hand on my stomach and smile. This babay has changed has my life. I feel like if everyone else has left me, I will always have this baby. Suddenly I feel arms wrap around my waist. Ash.

"Good Morning, Baby." whispers Ash into my ear. His voice is deep and husky. It's kinda sexy.

"Morning." I say still smiling.

He places a hand onto of mine, which is on my stomach, "If I remember correctly, today is your first doctors appointment." he says.

"You remembered." I say smiling happily.

"Of course I did. How can I forget such an important day?" he says. I can feel the warmth of his smile.

"Well, you forgot your birthday once and you forgot about our 1 month anniversary." I say smirking.

"Now you're just making me feel bad." he says taking his arms away from my waist and walking in front of me so I can see his face.

He kneels down to my stomach and kisses it. I smile and I feel like crying. I am a bit to emotional at the moment, but who can blame me?

He looks up at me, he smiles. He eyes twinkle with happiness. I never seen him this happy before. Ever since he came to live in this house, he kisses my stomach every week.

He stands up, "Why are you crying?" he asks worried.

It's just then that I realise that I am crying, "You make me so happy and you are so cute!" I says smiling. I squeeze his cheeks and he frowns.

"You know I prefer to be called hot." he says wiping my tears and smirking. How can he be comforting me and lying to himself and the same time? It's only him.

"You're cute." I say placing both hands on his cheeks.

I pull him in for kiss and his arms wrap around my waist. My arms wrap around his neck and our lips move in sync. I love him so much.

"Sorry to disturb you guys, but breakfast is ready." says a voice. I pull away and I see Sophia is standing in the doorway.

Ash's eyes go wide, "Yes. FOOD!" he says happily. He gives me a quick kiss and rushes out the door. Sophia walks in as he goes out. Andrew walks out of his room at the same time. Him and Ash high five in the hallway, "FOOD!" they both shout before rushing downstairs.

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