19# Ash look, it's our baby!

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Ash's POV:
Serena screams out again and clutches her stomach, "Ash, don't just stand there call an ambulance. Get me to the nearest hospital!" she screams again.

I see Andrew and Tiana walk into the gardens, "Andrew! Call an ambulance!" I shout out. I turn back to Serena as Andrew rushes over, "Take deep breaths. We're getting an ambulance." I am terrified right now. I'm about to become a father.

We move forward a little trying to get to the car park, which is luckily not far away from here. Serena is breathing heavily and struggling to walk, "Ash, it hurts."

She leans against me, her face is scrunched up in pain, "I know, baby. Just take deep breaths and try to stay calm."

"I'm having a fucking baby, how am I supposed to stay calm?!" she shouts at me and then screams out again.

Andrew runs over to help assist me with Serena. He takes her arm and puts it over his shoulder, while I support her waist, "I called the ambulance, they're coming in about 5 minutes, because the hospital is not far."

"They need to come faster!" shouts Serena. We get her to the entrance of the gardens, when we see the ambulance pull up and people rush out of it. They put Serena on a stretcher, "Ash, I need Ash." she says as they push her into the ambulance.

"Which one of you is Ash?" asks one of the doctors, at least that's what I think she is.

"That would be me."

"In what way are you related to her?"

Serena is giving birth and they are questioning me. Isn't this dangerous?

"I am her boyfriend and the father of the baby on the way."

She nods and allows me into the ambulance. Andrew tries to follow, but she stops him, "I'm her brother."

"If I allow you, she will want to come. We have to get to the hospital. If you want to see her, go to the Kalos Hospital, which is where we are going." says the nurse, clearly annoyed.

Andrew turns back to Tiana, "Let him go with her, she needs him." says Tiana to the nurse. She turns to Andrew, "I will take your car, just pass me the keys."

Andrew tosses her the keys, "Thank you."

"Don't worry about it." she rushes off.

Andrew sit on the other side of Serena as the ambulance drives off. I hold her hand, she looks relieved as well as pained, "Serena, just take deep breaths, we're nearly at the hospital."

She closes her eyes, "Do it with me." she says quietly, she squeezes my hand, "I know you're just as scared as I am, so you need to do it with me. It will make me feel better."

So I do what she says, "Breathe in.... breathe out." I say. She calms down a little, but doesn't open her eyes, obviously trying hard not to scream out again. I am so happy that I don't have to experience that, it looks so painful.

"I can't believe this. My sister is having a baby and I'm going to be an uncle and we're going to have a baby running around. But this also means parties, baby shower and naming ceremony and-"

The nurse that has been checking Serena's vitals, turns to Andrew and slaps him on the head, "Shut up. She's having a baby and you're thinking about parties. I should have left you with your girlfriend." she says glaring daggers at him.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry." he says. The nurse turns around and Andrew makes silly faces behind her head. I laugh at his childishness and even more when the nurse turns around and catches him the act. He pretends that he was pushing his hand through his hair and looks at the ground.

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