2# I'm not feeling so well...

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Serena's POV:
I wake up and instantly I remember the events of yesterday. Ash told me that he would stay with me and I smile. I look beside me and I see that Ash is still sleeping; he looks so cute! I slide out of bed and see that I am still wearing the same clothes as yesterday. My hair is a mess, it looks like a bird nested in it over night.

I grab my towel and walk over to the bathroom leaving Ash to sleep. I take about an hour in the bathroom before coming out to pick my clothes, which I probably should have done before. Unfortunately,  Ash is awake and I am just in my towel.

"Get out." I say pointing to the door.

"It's not like haven't seen it all before." he says with a smirk.

"Yeah, I know that! But... GET OUT!" I shout.

"Ok, ok. I'm going." he says walking out the door. He is so annoying!

I feel like it's time to change my style, I need to ditch the hat. In the end I pick a black cropped jumper, blue ripped jeans and white superstars. I wore my flower diamond earrings, a rose gold necklace that my mum gave to me with an 's' in it. I let my hair down and put on nude lipgloss.

 I let my hair down and put on nude lipgloss

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I took one look in the mirror and I smiled. I looked great. I go downstairs and see Ash cooking something. He turns round and his jaw drops. I smirk and sit on the counter.

"Serena?" he asks surprised.

"Yeah, that's me." I say still smirking, the expression on his face is priceless.

"You look different." he says while his eyes travel up and down my body.

"Fire." I say pointing to the frying pan.

"Sh*t!" he exclaims before putting out the fire with a napkin.

I laugh and grab an apple from the fruit bowl. I take a bite and turn back to Ash who is still checking me out.

"Stop checking me out and make breakfast. I am starving!" I say frowning.

"Calm down! Just have some cereal. I was trying to make some pancakes, but you distracted me so that's your fault." he says smirking at me.

"I... WANT... PANCAKES!" I shout making him jump. He quickly gets to work and before I know it, he's done and I have a stack of pancakes in front of me with maple syrup on top. It looks delicious!

"I don't feel like pancakes anymore, I want some cereal." I say tapping a finger on my chin.

Ash shoots me a death glare, "You told me to make pancakes and I did and now your trying to tell me you want cereal. Are you serious?!" he says looking like he is about to hit me.

I start laughing and he gives me a strange look, "I was joking!"

He sighs and chuckles a little, "You had better be."

Kalos High: Secrets Of The Past (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now