3# Huge fallout

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Serena's POV:
I wake up in a see a blurry face looking at me. When my vision clears up, I see that it's Ash and he smiles at me.

"Where am I?" I say sitting up.

"Your in the hospital." he says holding my hand.

"What happened?"

"You fainted and then we took you to the hospital. You had me worried sick." he says pushing a hand through his hair.

"Sorry." I say in a baby voice. I hug him and swing my legs off the bed, "I feel fine."

"The doctor says he wants to see us before we leave."

We talk a lot until the doctor comes into the room. She smiles at me.

"It's normal for this to happen during the first stages of pregnancy. If this happens again, let her lay down in a comfortable place." she says smiling.

"Thank you." says Ash, "Is she able to leave now? We have to go to a school event."

"She can, but keep an eye on her." says the doctor smiling at Ash and then walking out.

Ash's POV:
"Let's go!" she says excitedly. No-one would believe that this girl just fainted. She doesn't even act like it.

She is hyper for the ride back to the house. We pick up our things and then we set off. Cilan and Iris are behind us and, Misty and Brock are in front. Serena eventually falls asleep.

Her eyelashes flutter every now and then. She lips are parted a little. Every few miuntes, she smiles and mutters something. She looks so cute.

I turn back to the road and think. I am so scared right now. I am scared of what her parents will think of me, what my parents will think and all the possible things that could happen.

I don't know for sure if Amy is gone yet, she disappeared after the explosion and the police didn't find any bodies. I am putting Serena in danger because of my secret.

The truth is I am also a visionary, however, there are two sides. The north and the south. The north and south hate each other with a passion. I am from the north and I had a misson to make Serena fall for me and then lure her into a trap, so the Queen can kill her. Serena is the heir to the southern side.

But, I slowly began to fall for her. I was angry at first because I was putting her in risk and now I have made it even worse for her. The Queen has seen me as a traitor and anyone who betrays the Queen will be hung. If they find me, I am basically a dead guy.

When that guy shot her, he was there for me and I wanted him to shoot me so that I would stop feeling so guilty. I was heartbroken, when Serena got shot, so technically it was all my fault.

I have fallen for her... hard and that has put her in danger. I need to keep her safe, which means that she has to be close to me at all times or I might go crazy.

Now she is having my baby, which means the baby will be the first ever northern and southern baby. I screech to a halt as I realise I am about to hit a tree. Serena wakes up and stares at me.

"What happened?" she says rubbing her eyes.

"Nothing. I was just thinking." I say before mentally face plamming myself. Now she is going to ask me what I was thinking about.

"What were you thinking about?" she asks just like I suspected. I can't tell her anything though.

"Don't worry about it." I say starting up the car again.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Just leave the situation alone. You don't need to know everything about me." I say a bit too harshly.

She looks taken aback but doesn't say anything anymore. She looks hurt and she turns away to look out the window.

"Serena, I didn't mean-"

"No. I understand. You know basically everything about me and barely know anything about you. I see how it is." she says rolling her eyes.

I was about to reply when she stopped me, "I don't want to hear your apology, because I don't care anymore. You've broken my heart to many times... I am still trying to recover from what you said 2 days ago and then you do this. Just shut up and drive." she says harshly.

I hate to admit it, but she is right. Anytime she asks me what is wrong, I am harsh on her and it seems like she has finally had enough. But if I tell her she is going to leave me anyway.

We sit in silence for the rest of the journey and it almost kills me.

When we get there she doesn't talk to me. She simply walks away from me whenever I try to talk to her. She ends up staying with Iris and Misty. Cilan and Brock come over to talk to me.

"What happened?" says Cilan when he sees the look on my face.

"She won't talk to me because I didn't tell her the secret." I say pushing a hand through my hair.

"Ohh! If it makes you feel better, I have no idea what I would say if I was in your position." says Brock placing a hand on my shoulder.

I shrub him off and glare at him, "Thanks! That makes me feel a whole lot better." I say through gritted teeth.

"You're welcome." he says smiling.

"Say one more thing and I swear, I will make sure you will be permenatly muted." I growl.

He pretends to zip his mouth closed and then looks at the ground. I know he is still smirking and it just annoys me.

"You need to tell her at some point." says Cilan.

"But she will leave me anyway, so it doesn't make a difference. And I am putting her in more danger by saying so." I say shaking my head, "I really don't know what to do."

"Just tell her. If you can tell us, you tell her the thing that's bothering you." says Cilan before his eyes widen at who is standing behind me.

I turn around and see Serena. She looks hurt, but mostly I see anger in her eyes and it's scary.

"I get it now." she says trying to keep her cool.

"Serena, hear me out." I plead.

"SO YOU CAN TELL YOUR FRIENDS YOUR BIG SECRET BUT YOU CAN'T TELL YOUR GIRLFRIEND." she shouts which attracts a lot of attention but I don't thinks she cares.


"SHUT UP! YOU KNOW WHAT?! I CAN'T BE WITH SOMEONE WHO IS HURTING BUT CAN'T EVEN LET ME HELP HIM. I NEED TO BE WITH SOMEONE WHO CAN TRUST ME AND I CAN SEE THAT PERSON IS NOT YOU!" her anger disappears suddenly and it is replace with a look of hurt, "I have had enough of your secrets. It's over... for real this time."

She slaps my face and my hand flies to my cheek. I can feel a burning pain in the place where she slapped. I turn back round and see that she is crying, "I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN! I CAN DEAL WITH THE BABY WITHOUT YOU." she screams before turning on her heel and running out of the hall.

Misty glares at me before running after her. Iris walks up to me and slaps me in the same place, "YOU HURT MY BEST FRIEND... THREE TIMES!! AND IT DOESN'T EVEN SEEM LIKE YOU CARE ABOUT HER CURRENT CONDITION." she shouts before running after Serena.

Cilan gives me a pitiful look and walks back to where the babies are. Brock walks away to help Cilan.

All I know is that I am in deep shit and I don't know how I am going to get out of this one.

What will happen with Serena and Ash?

Will they get back together?

Or is their relationship doomed forever?

{I just rhymed there guys}.

Thx for reading!😄😄

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