6# We need to talk...

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2 weeks later...

Serena's POV:
The past few weeks of my life have been pretty hectic and my family has been great. They have been behind me all the way. We only have 4 weeks left of this holiday and I just wish that Ash would tell me what is going on.

I have been thinking about him all this time and what he meant by his life is in danger. Why doesn't he want me to help him? I am sitting down in the my room eating a tub of Ben and Jerry's: Chocolate Fudge Brownie ice cream and thinking about life.

"You alright, Serena? You didn't come down for lunch." says Brittany coming in my room.

"Yeah." I say sighing.

"That sigh shows you're not ok. Tell me what's bothering you." she says sitting down beside me.

I take another spoon of ice cream and say nothing. Brittany takes the tube away from me and places it on the table side, "Give it back!" I whine.

"No. You need to stop eating ice cream. That is what you have been eating for the past 2 days." she says shaking her head.

"But it's nice!" I say pouting.

"You have finished most of the ice cream already and if you haven't noticed, I like this ice cream as well." she says annoyed.

"Sorry, but it's great and helps me think about my life. Now give it back!" I say trying to get it back.

She puts it in the trash and I feel like crying, "You threw away what I use to think! You're a bully." I say turning away.

She comes and sits in front of me, "Serena, stop being childish and tell me what's wrong with you." she says holding my hands.

"I miss Ash. I wish she could just tell me what's wrong and stop keeping secrets from me." I say tears threatening to fall from my eyes.

"Don't worry. He will eventually tell you the secrets he has been keeping. I can tell how much he loves you." she says squeezing my hands.

"Thanks, but that doesn't make me feel better. I would rather just drown my sorrows in ice cream." I say going under my covers.

I hear her sigh and I hear footsteps moving away from me. I don't think anyone can help me apart from Ash. I need him to tell me what's wrong or I don't think I can go back to normal...

I wake up and realise it is around 8:30 in the evening. How long did I sleep for? I am feeling so hungry right now. I need something hot and tasty. Like my mum's spaghetti. Whenever I eat it, I feel like I am floating on air. It's sooooooo good!!

I trudge downstairs and go to the kitchen and I see something that makes me upset. Andrew has finished all of mum's spaghetti and left a note,

'You didn't come downstairs for lunch and I was feeling a bit hungry, so I decided to eat the rest of the spaghetti. Hope you don't mind.

P.S: You can eat some pasta that I made. It's in the fridge. I know you love my pasta. Hope it makes you feel better!'

I do love Andrew's pasta. It's better than anything I've ever made. I'm a decent cook, but the rest of my family are amazing cooks. That's why mum has her own restaurant and the others help out a lot.

I grab the pasta, warm it in the microwave, take it out when it's done, sit down in the living room, put on Riverdale and dig in. This is almost as good as mum's spaghetti that's saying something.

When it gets to the part when FP is about to say whether he killed Jason or not, I hear a the door bell ring. I groan and pause the TV, why is it that when I get to the best bit, I have to be interrupted by something? I open the door and see... Ash.

Kalos High: Secrets Of The Past (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now