7# Learning about Visionaries

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Serena's POV:
"I forgive you, Ash. Just don't keep secrets from me again." I say cupping his face in my hands.

He breathed a sigh a relief, "Thank you so much. I don't know what I would have done if you didn't forgive me."

"Knowing you, you would probably try again."


He leans in closer and our lips connect. I kiss him back and wrap my arms around his neck. I pull away after a few minutes and hug him.

"I've missed you." he whispers into my ear.

"I have as well."

"Ash?" says a voice from behind me.

I turn around and see that Andrew is standing in the doorway, staring at Ash like he's about to kill him.

"Andrew, he apologised. It's ok." I say quickly.

Andrew's look softens and he walks up to Ash, "I may be younger than you, but if you hurt my sister again, I will kill you myself." he growls.

Ash looks terrified, "I-I n-never m-meant to h-hurt her." he stammers.

"Well you did. Just don't do again." he says angrily. Ash nods and Andrew's frown vanishes and turns into a smile, "Now we can be friends."

He stretches his hand out for Ash to take it. They shake hands, then Andrew flashes a smile at me and walks out.

Ash breaths a sigh of relief, "Your brother's scary."

"He's really not." I say smiling.

Ash looked at me like I was mad, "He just threatened to kill me and he growled at me! How is that not scary to you?!"

"He only does that to people who hurt his family. The last boyfriend, Brittany had, mysteriously ended up in hospital the day after Brittany caught him cheating on her." Ash looked scared, "But don't worry, you'll be alright." I say winking at him.

"Am I supposed to feel better now?"

"Yes. Do you want to here another one? The-"

"No! I'm fine. I should get going now." says Ash getting up.

I walk him to the door, "I'll come round tomorrow." he says as he opens the door.

I lean forward to kiss him and he turns his face so that my kiss lands on his cheek. I pull back and frown. He smiles nervously and runs out.

I turn around and see Andrew standing there with a triumphant smile on his face, "Why did you scare him away?"

"I didn't do anything." he says innocently.

"You are always scaring away any boy that comes within a five meter range of me." I say rolling my eyes.

"Why should they be scared of me? I am innocent and way younger than them." he says winking at me.

My face goes neutral, "You are a 15 year old giant and when you get angry, it scares people."

"How come your not scared of me then?" he says.

As I talk I take steps closer to him, "I know you and you wouldn't try anything on me. You're terrified of me and you know it."

"Right you are." he says chuckling nervously, "Now, if you don't mind me, I will be going now." he turned round and ran. I laughed. He may act scary, but he's a big softie at heart.

My phone vibrates. I check it and see that Iris just texted me:

Iris: Can the twins and I come over?

Kalos High: Secrets Of The Past (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now