10# I can help you

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Serena's POV:
We just came back from Verity. I am tired and I feel a little sick, but I need to talk to Mum, I mean Samantha. It feels so weird not to call her mum. I'm going to have to adjust then. My fake mum has the same name as my friend from the hospital, but the other Samantha is nicer.

Sophia moved in with us yesterday. She stays with Brittany. But I don't think we will be staying here for long.

"Why are you so quiet?" says Samantha.

I stare at her. I'm hurt and angry. I understand that she might as well be my mum, because she is the one that looked after me all these years, but the extremes she went to, to make me forget all about where I came from.

My birth certificate says that she is my mother, she was the one who had a big fight with dad and then they divorced. To be honest, I am so confused right now. I don't know who I am anymore.

It's like my whole life came crashing down, every since I became pregnant with this baby. Secret upon secrets have been revealed and I feel like there are more to come.

"You lied to me." I say quietly.

"What do you mean?" she asks. She sounds genuinely confused, but it could all be an act.

"You're not my mother." I say searching her eyes. As soon as I said that, her eyes showed a relief and happiness.

How can she be happy after I told her that I know about her little secret? Shouldn't she be upset or at least try to make up a lie? I thought that mabye she actually loved us, but she doesn't.

"I am not your mother. Let me explain." she says calmly. She looks overjoyed and it hurts.

"I used to be a commoner in Verity, until the queen of the south chose me for a mission. Your mother told me that I should take you to earth to keep you safe from her sister. Your mother didn't know I was from the north and I was working for my queen. When you were young, signs of your power began to show, and I didn't know what to do." she took a breath, "So I used my powers to erase your memory, so that you couldn't remember your powers. I never forgot what I had to do though. My queen said that when you were 17, I had to make sure you went to Verity, so she would kill you. I thought you were dead, so I was about to run away from the rest of the kids, but when you came my plans were ruined. The queen always said if you came back alive from Verity it was my job to get rid of you, so here we are." she says smiling.

I sit there speechless. My mother that cares for me for 17 years, was not actually my mother. It was all an act.

It's all because of that queen. Is there no end to her scheming? Why me? Why did I have to part of this world? I never wanted this. I just want to be normal again.

"You're sick." I say with disgust. I will never look at her the same again. My whole life has basically been a lie.

"I'm not sick, I'm following orders." she says smiling, "Now lets get this over with." she gets up and starts moving closer to me. A purple flame appears in her hands I get up and move back.

I don't have anymore power to fight. I am so tired, I'm finding it hard to stand as it is. I place a hand on my stomach. I can't even save my baby, I'm pathetic. I close my eyes and brace myself for impact and I don't feel anything.

"Don't you dare go close to her." says a very familiar voice.

"If you hurt her, then you hurt us all." says another familiar voice.

"You must be crazy if you think we'll let you hurt her." says a cute and familiar voice.


Kalos High: Secrets Of The Past (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now