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Serena's POV:
The past week at the castle has been very eventful. There have been numerous parties held to celebrate the birth of Aurianna. In Verity, the fact that my daughter is the first Southern and Northern baby, is an even bigger deal than I expected. Many important families have been coming to introduce themselves to Aurianna and I. My mother said it was important that I was nice to them, because they had a lot of influence in the South Side of Verity, and we would need them on our side in case tensions reached a new high between the Northern and Southern sides.

"Serena!" I groan as I hear my mother's annoying voice echo through the castle. She enters my room and frowns, when she sees that I'm in bed with Ash. He's dozing off with his head in my lap as I play with his hair.

I smile at her and nod my head, "Grace."

"Why don't you call me mum anymore?" Little does she know I call her that in my head sometimes, but she doesn't need to know that. I'm still hurt by all the time she has missed in my life, so calling her mum out loud is a privilege she needs to earn.

"What do you want, Grace?" Her eyes were glued onto Ash who was dozing off on my lap.

"I thought I would take you for a little tour of the castle and tell you a bit about the history of Verity. What do you think?"

"So you want to give me a history lesson today? I'll pass."

She sighs, "Don't make me say it."

"Say what, Grace?" I raise my eyebrows.

She throws her hands in the air, "Is it so bad that I want to spend time with my daughter?!" An unexpected smile creeps onto my face. The fact she wants to spend time with me, makes me feel a sort of happiness that I haven't felt in a long time.

She realises my smile and returns it. I break eye contact, clearing my throat and trying my best to wipe the smile off my face, "I mean, alright then. Just go outside and wait for me." I wait until the door closes before I look up and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

Ash opens his eyes and smiles at me, "You're being civil with your mum for once."

"So you're not asleep? Ugh, get off me now."

I remove my hand from his hair and push him off me. He sits up and pouts, "Your hand felt nice in my hair. Do you have to go? Can't we just go back to how we were before?"

I laugh at him and squeeze his cheeks, "I need to go on a 'tour' with my mum." I get off the bed and adjust my bun and my clothes in the mirror.

He turns me around to face him and puts his forehead on mine, "Do you have to?" He says in a low voice.

"Yes, Ash." I kiss him and as I'm about to pull away, he places his hands on my waist and pulls me closer to him, deepening the kiss. I instantly wrap my arms around his neck as he pushes his tongue into my mouth. My hand tugs at his hair and he moans into the kiss. Before it can get any further, I remind myself where I need to be. So, I push him away from me and he stumbles back, falling onto the bed, "I told you, I need to go."

"Hmph. I guess I'll give Auri my love instead." He walks over to her cot and takes her out, blowing raspberries into her cheeks. She giggles and my jaw drops. Normal babies take a lot longer to even smile, and she's already giggling. She's only 4 weeks old.

Ash, being Ash, doesn't take notice of how amazing this moment is. This is the first time I've seen her giggle, "Ash, you know she just laughed."

"She's been doing that this whole week. Obviously, I'm so funny, she just can't compose herself around me." Aurianna smiles at me and I can't help but smile back.

Kalos High: Secrets Of The Past (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now