The Record Store

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~ Chandler's POV ~

Houses blur past me as I stare out of the passenger seat window in my dads car. I've been unwillingly dragged out of the comfort of my bedroom, away from my computer, and now Im being driven down town to visit the record store with my dad. Why the fuck would I need, or want, to go to the record store!?! Unless they have dubstep on vinyl, I have no interest in anything they have to offer me.

My feet shuffle along the sidewalk awkwardly as I follow my dad into the record store. The bell above the door dings, alerting the store of our presence, and instantly Im slapped in the face by some classic rock music, from a band I cant name. I keep my head down, and follow my dad around the store, begging him silently to get whatever it is he came for, so we can leave as soon as possible. My eyes glance to my sides, and I catch the sight of an interesting vinyl cover. I stop walking, and pick it up, my eyebrows furrowing as I examine it.
"Are you a fan?" Somebody asks me, catching me completely off guard.
Frantically sliding the vinyl back into its slot, I clear my throat and shake my head "N-No, uh, I just thought the cover looked cool. Im not really into records."
I turn to face whoever it was that spoke to me, and Im greeted by a tall man, with medium length, curly brown hair, snake bites, and black nail varnish on his fingernails. He's wearing a shirt with the name of this store on it, so, I logically assume he works here. Or he's got a weird obsession.
He laughs slightly "Have you even heard of Status Quo?"
I shrug "If you played me their most popular song, I might know it, but the name doesnt sound familiar, sorry."
The man facepalms and shakes his head "You'd better keep quiet about that, or my sister will actually end up murdering you."
I raise an eyebrow "Why?"
He places a hand on my shoulder and turns me around, then he points at a girl a few aisles away, flicking through various records, with her headphones hanging around her neck. My eyes widen at the sight of her. She's absolutely gorgeous.
"Ah, this is just what I was looking for!" My dad cheers as he picks up the Status Quo record I was examining earlier.
The man behind me grins at him "Big Status Quo fan?"
My dad nods frantically "Loved them since the beginning!"
The man laughs and looks over at the girl Im still unable to tear my gaze away from "Hey (Y/N), come over here!"
My jaw drops as she looks up from the records she was browsing through, and her eyes meet mine. She raises an eyebrow, and casually strolls over to us. I wipe my sweaty palms on my jeans and straighten my shirt out, feeling nervous.
"Yeah?" She asks her brother, as she stands a few feet from me.
"This guy here is a big Status Quo fan!" Her brother explains, with a wide smile on his face.
(Y/N) gasps, and it's then I notice the Status Quo shirt hugging her figure perfectly, and her ripped black skinny jeans defining her legs. God. Damn.
She turns to my dad, who is grinning like a maniac, and the two of them start discussing Status Quo, while I stand there, utterly clueless.
"Ed, is anyone else on radio duty today?" (Y/N) asks her big brother, Ed, who shakes his head, causing her to squeal and run off somewhere, leaving all of us confused. The song playing throughout the store is cut short, and another song starts to play, one that Im sure I recognise. (Y/N) runs back over to us, high fives my dad, before she starts dancing around the store. Suddenly, I want to own every vinyl made by this band. As I watch her hips sway in time with the music, and her hands run through her hair, I cant help but earn a new appreciation for whatever song is playing right now.
"Here we go-oh! Rockin' all over the world!" Her and my dad shout in time with the song, is that what the song's called?

Without even thinking about it, I find myself tapping the beat to the song out on my jeans.
My dad takes note of this, and smirks "Are you actually ENJOYING my kind of music!?!"
I laugh slightly "I think I am!" I glance longingly at (Y/N) as she continues to dance, completely oblivious to how beautiful she is.
My dad follows my eyes, and he turns to smile back at me "Ah, I see!" He winks at me, and instantly, Im filled with concern. He's going to embarrass me in front of her, I know it.
As the song draws to a close, and another begins to play, (Y/N) swiftly makes her way back over to us, and she smiles brightly, her smile seeming to be the only source of light in the room at that moment.
She looks directly at me, and my heart splutters "Do you like Status Quo?"
All of a sudden, I regret every second I refused to listen to my dads music. Boy would that have paid off now. We could've had an in depth conversation about incredible bands from the 80's! But nope.
"They arent what I'd usually listen to, but I really liked that song!" I try to make up for my lack of knowledge.
My dad steps in "Chandler has never played a vinyl in his life, he's more into the electronic stuff, dubstep or something, right?"
(Y/N)'s jaw drops, and I feel incredibly insecure about my inability to remain open minded about music.
"But you liked that song, right?" She asks me.
I nod and my eyes meet hers again "Yeah, it was awesome!"
She's thoughtful for a moment, before she nods "Ok, you can borrow my Status Quo vinyls. You can come pick them up from here tomorrow, I'll give them to you myself. You will listen to all of them, and let me know your opinion afterwards. Im enlightening you, no questions."
I blink rapidly "O-Ok, uh, h-how will I give you my opinion on them?"
I mentally facepalm, she just said no questions!
She rolls her eyes and takes the cassette player out of her back pocket, my dad eyes it carefully with another psychotic smile, and she stops playing whatever song was coming through her headphones.
She holds her hand out me "Gimme your phone."
I pass her my phone without dispute, and she adds her number into my contacts, my heart skips a beat as she passes my phone back to me.
"Send me a text right now, so I can check I got my number right, please." (Y/N) requests, and I send her a quick text.

Hey, this is Chandler.

Her phone beeps twice in her pocket, she retrieves it and nods "Cool, you're in my contacts now. I've gotta go, my Sex Pistols t-shirt just arrived. I'll see you tomorrow Chandler, and it was nice to meet you, Mr Riggs." She nods and smiles at my dad, before leaving the store.
My dad and I frown in unison "Did she ever ask your name?" I ask, and my dad simply shakes his head.
Ed throws his head back he's laughing so hard "You're actually kidding me, right?"
Im about to question what he's talking about, when my phone dings in my back pocket. I take it out, and my eyes scan my screen, before a wide smile stretches across my face.

You look different without your hat, Grimes.

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