Relapse #2

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~ Chandler's POV ~

My phone beeps at me as I sit beside Norman, both of us chilling out as neither of us are in the scene that's currently being filmed. I retrieve my phone from my back pocket, smiling in advance as I expect to see my babygirls name on my screen, instead, all I see one of my old friends, who has just sent me a photo. What the fuck does he want? I havent spoken to him in months, because he started getting weird when he talked about (Y/N), and I wasnt comfortable with it. Just seeing his name on my phone pisses me off. Still, I need to know what he just sent me, or the curiosity might actually kill me.

He sent me a screenshot...of a conversation with (Y/N)? I try to ignore my heart rate increasing, as I read through what they're talking about. He's cut out whatever he said to her, but she's talking about doubting herself again. Instantly, Im consumed with worry.

Me: What the fuck did you say to her!?!

I type furiously, Norman asking me what's wrong, a small crowd forming around me as I start to breathe heavily.

Dick: Nothing! I was just talking to her, asking how she was and shit like that, and she started getting all depressing, so I thought I should let you know.

I jump to my feet, and storm off set, finding a quiet place, as I call her. Im grateful that he thought to let me know, but I need to make sure my girlfriend is ok. No answer. I try again. Nothing. I keep calling her, over and over again, until I decide to text her, then at least I'll be able to tell if she's reading my messages and ignoring me.

I start spamming her with messages, desperate for her to reply, but I get no response, and she isnt reading any of them. I start running, not bothering to tell anyone where Im going, I need to make sure she's safe. I jump through the doors, and keep running, pushing myself to run as fast as I can, towards the hotel.

Tell me she's ok. Please.
Please god, let her be alright.
I cant lose her. Not like this.

I text her as I run, still praying she'll respond, or read them, just to let me know she's alive, please.

I reach our hotel room, and carefully unlock it, feeling like the room and everything in it is suddenly so fragile that it could break with a single touch. I feel light headed.
"(Y/N)!?! BABY!?!" I call out, and only hear her crying in response.
Oh god oh god oh god.
I burst through the bathroom door, and the first thing I see is her, lying on the floor, curled up into herself, wrapped in a towel and crying hysterically. Her hair is wet, and there's a red patch on her otherwise white towel. She did it. She self harmed. In the shower. I fall to my knees, and pull her into me, tears shamelessly rolling down my cheeks as I cradle and rock her in my arms.
"Wh-Why!?! Why would you do this!?!" I plead hoarsely.
She clutches onto my shirt "P-Please dont go, please, Im so sorry!"
I frown, why would she say that? "Baby, Im never leaving, Im right here, and I always will be. You're safe with me. Im right here. It's ok baby, I've got you."
She sniffles into my neck "B-But h-he said..."
Anger slowly fills my body like cement "Did he make you do this to yourself!?! What the fuck did he say to you!?!"
She gingerly passes me her phone, and allows me to read through her conversation with him. By the time I reach the end, Im seeing red. I carefully remove the towel, and examine her wounds. She's bleeding, but not a lot, she wont need stitches, and she wont bleed out. Thank the fucking lord. I grab a bandage from her bag, she always brings them "in case of emergency" or "in case you ever want to surprise me by dressing up as Carl Grimes thanks I love you". I wrap up her thigh, and help her get dressed into her favourite onesie, before tucking her into bed, and placing Carl Grimes' hat on her head, which I realised was on my head this entire time. I softly kiss her forehead, and grab my phone, dialling the asshats number. He picks up on the second ring.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing, saying that shit to MY girlfriend!?!" I bellow.
He laughs nervously "I, uh, I dont know what you mean?"
I scoff and roll my eyes as I pace the length of the room "Listen here asshole, you can lie as much as you fucking want, I dont care, all I want you to do right now, is listen. I love (Y/N), more than anything else I've ever known, and nothing you or anybody else says is going to change that. She means the fucking world to me. She had a bad past, and Im here to remind her that she is still loved, and always will be, by me. So, if you could do me a favour, and never attempt to contact her or me ever again, I'd really appreciate it. I could've lost her today, because of your fucking jealousy. You're a sick and twisted idiot, and I want absolutely nothing to do with you. I love her, and you will never have her. So leave us the fuck alone!" I growl that last part, before hanging up, and blocking his number.
I pick up (Y/N)'s phone, and block his number on her phone too. Then, I crawl into bed with her, and wrap my arms around her.
She curls into my chest "I love you so much, thank you." She whispers.
I kiss her forehead "No problem baby, and I love you too. Please, promise me you'll never do this to yourself again, and call me if you need me, please, I cant lose you." I beg.
My babygirl nods into my chest "Of course, I promise. Im so sorry."
I shake my head "It's ok gorgeous, Im here. You dont have to be sorry. It's alright."
She nods into my chest "Dont you have to go back to film?"
I shrug "Probably, but my princess is my first priority. Plus, she's stolen my hat, and I probably wont get it back for hours."
She giggles "Ok, yeah, that's true." She leans up and kisses me softly "My hero."
I smile widely, and pull her closer to me on our bed, where we stay, for the next few hours, until Norman comes knocking for me, and wondering what the fuck happened. Honestly, same.

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