Bleeding Love #1

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~ Your POV ~

You dramatically slam Chandler's front door and lean against it, awaiting him to summon you, but he doesnt. You frown.
"UMM, HONEY IM HOME???" You call loudly, expecting him to laugh at your stupid announcement, but once again you get no response.
Your frown turns into a sad pout, is there a possibility that you done fucked up and upset him somehow? As you speed up the stairs, you start overthinking everything you've done since the last time you spoke to Chandler, evaluating whether anything you said could have caused him to give you the silent treatment.
"Chandler?" You say gently as you push open his bedroom door, only to find him sitting on his bed with his back to the door, his headphones on, and his eyes fixed on his phone screen.
You sigh, all of your overthinking was for nothing, he's just listening to music and didnt hear you. A smirk appears on your face as you realise he has no idea you're here, you could take this opportunity to do something cute like make him dinner and surprise him...or, you could be a dick and make him jump. The smirk on your face is evidence that you've already chosen the latter. You start tiptoeing over to his bed, despite the fact you know he couldnt even hear you shouting, the boy is going to go deaf if he keeps listening to music so loud. Once you're within jumping distance, you leap onto his bed behind him, and Chandler gasps as he falls off the bed in shock, leaving you rolling around on his bed, cackling uncontrollably. He sits up with a childlike pout on his face, and crawls over you on the bed. You wipe the tears off your face and catch your breath from laughing so hard, before looking up at him. Almost immediately, you start noticing things that make your stomach twist. You run your fingers through his hair as your concerned expression takes over your face.
"Have you been crying?" You ask him, though you already know the answer just from looking at his face.
Usually Chandler would try and deny it, but this time he just looks away from you, seeming...ashamed? You frown, no, not ashamed, he feels guilty about something. Alarm bells start ringing in your head as you are consumed with worry over the thought of him crying, because he didnt know you were here, and he was so upset that he doesnt even have the strength to deny it. You place a hand on his chest and gently push him off you, into a sitting position. You look down at the floor beside the bed, where Chandler had fallen moments ago, and you see his phone there. You can see a lot of comments on his screen, and you understand why he's so upset. Picking up his phone from the floor, your eyes start scanning over the comments he was reading.

"Chandler deserves so much better than (Y/N)"
"She's so ugly, what the hell does Chandler see in her!?!"
"How can Chandler stand being so close to her like that?"
"She's disgusti-"

The phone is snatched out of your hands before you can read the end of that comment, though you're pretty confident in your abilities to guess how it finished.
"Please, dont read those." Chandler's voice is hoarse as he turns off his phone, avoiding your gaze.
You take his face in your hands "Chandler, how many times do I have to tell you that the hate does not bother me at all?"
Your boyfriend looks anywhere but your eyes "I dont understand how you can ignore them, you get so much hate because you're dating me."
You smile slightly "Do you think my curious ass has the ability to just ignore and never look at hate comments? Of course I've seen them, but I dont care about them. I know that those people dont know us, they dont know how happy we are or how good we are together, and that's fine by me, because that's something we can enjoy in the privacy of our relationship."
Chandler sniffles and looks down at his hands "But i-it's not fair, you dont deserve any hate!"
You shrug and intertwine your fingers with his "Whether I deserve it or not, it's there, but that doesnt matter. What matters is that we rise above it and dont let it bother us. I know that people hating on me really gets to you, the same as people hating on you really gets to me, but both of us are strong enough in ourselves to handle and rationalise that hate. I know that people who hate on me only hate on me because they want you from themselves, so honestly, whenever I do read hate comments, I cant stop laughing, because their jealousy is consuming so much of their time and energy, which they could be spending finding someone who makes them just as happy as you make me! They wont ever find someone as good as you because you're the best, and no other person in existence has an ass as sweet as yours, but that's beside the point."
Chandler laughs and shakes his head, finally lifting his gaze from his hands to meet your eyes "Im pretty sure your ass beats mine in every aspect."
You gasp "You never told me!"
He raises an eyebrow "I never told you what?"
You blink rapidly "You speak fluent bullshit!?!"
Chandler bursts out laughing and squeezes your hands "How do you always know exactly what to do to make me smile?"
You flip your hair over your shoulder smugly "It's the talent Im most proud of!" You grin at him.
Chandler crawls over you, and instinctively you lie underneath him, your hands finding his hair in a matter of seconds.
"You should be, I dont know what I'd do without you, I dont want to know what I'd do without you." His voice is low, and almost fearful sounding.
You lean up and kiss him softly "You'll never have to know, 'cause Im not going anywhere."
Chandler smiles widely down at you "Does that mean you're staying over tonight?"
You shrug "If you want me here."
He rolls his eyes and lies down on top of you, burying his face in your neck "I always want you here."
Goosebumps erupt on your skin as you feel his hot breath on your neck, and you absentmindedly comb your fingers through his hair "And I always want to be here."
Ideas start flying around your head at lightening speed, as you ponder what exactly could make things better, easier for him, how you could help him get over his issues with the hate you get for being with him.
"I love you so much." Chandler mumbles, placing a few delicate kisses on the side of your neck.
You smile, distracted from your thoughts "I love you too, dork."
He laughs quietly and wraps his arms around you tightly, clinging to you like he's scared you'll disappear from his grasp at any moment. You hear his breathing slow, and soft snores fall from his lips after just a minute of silence. Crying must have really tired him out. You subconsciously rub circles in his back and continue to play with his hair, two things you always do to comfort him and help him sleep, and two things that make him melt. Soon enough, you feel your eyelids becoming heavy, and you fall asleep in the warm embrace of your favourite person.

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