Good Morning

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~ Chandler's POV ~

I wake up, but keep my eyes closed. Rolling over onto my side, I grumble into the bedsheets.
"Babyyyyy." I call into my pillow, before turning my head and feeling around her side of the bed with my hands, trying to find her.
Sighing, I rub my eyes, and my morning sulk kicks in because she's not in my arms, causing me to pout. My eyes flutter open, and Im instantly squinting at the bright sunlight blinding me from the window. She must've opened the curtains. I run a hand through my hair, trying my best to calm the god-awful bedhead Im currently sporting. The smell of bacon cooking hits my nose, and I smile brightly, my baby's making breakfast!

I sit bolt upright in bed, and my eyes fix on the clothes scattered across the floor from last night. A smirk is plastered on my face as memories of the night before replay in my head, and sure enough, when I lift the covers and look down at myself, the trail of hickeys that start at my neck and end at me waist, are still there. Goddamn, she's way too good at that. Kicking the covers off me, I reach onto the floor and lazily put on a pair of pyjama pants, not bothering to put a shirt on.

After making our bed, I start making my way downstairs, and I can hear (Y/N) singing quietly to a song playing, probably from her phone. I stop on the stairs for a few moments, taking the time to appreciate that my girlfriend has the voice of an angel, before I tiptoe down the rest of the stairs. I lean against the kitchen doorframe and smile at the sight of my girlfriend standing in front of a frying pan, with her back to me, wearing nothing but one of my shirts and a thong, which is obviously hers. As the song she was singing draws to a close, another starts to play, and my smile widens as the familiar tune of Just The Way You Are by Bruno Mars fills my ears, and I realise how fitting this song is. She's so beautiful, and I tell her everyday. I watch her slowly dance in time to the song, swaying her hips to the beat as she cooks. She runs a hand through her hair and Im in awe of how gorgeous such a simple action is when she does it, but for a moment her hair was pulled away from her neck, and I saw a few of the many love bites I gave her last night, causing my smile to quickly turn into a smirk.

Unable to resist the urge any longer, I walk up behind her, and wrap my arms around her waist. She jumps slightly at first in shock, but giggles and falls back into me when she realises it's just me. I laugh slightly at making her jump, and place delicate kisses on the side of her neck.
"Good morning gorgeous." I say softly, and I feel her tense up at the sound of my morning voice, something that she has previously described as 'too sexy to ever get used to'.
"What's shakin' bacon?" She asks, as she laughs at her pun relating to her cooking.
I roll my eyes playfully "I've been awake about 5 minutes and already you're making terrible puns."
(Y/N) places one of her hands on my arm "Are you really surprised?"
I shake my head into her neck "Of course not."
She giggles and places each piece of bacon on a plate, then turns around in my arms, to place a soft kiss on my lips "I was gonna say, if my amazing puns still surprise you after this many years of dating, I have physical evidence that you dont pay attention to me!"
I smile down at her "I always pay attention to you."
She grins at me "I know, you're super whipped."
I laugh at her "That I am!"
My beautiful girl reaches up and runs her fingers through my hair, and when she reaches the ends, her fingertips glide effortlessly across the planes of my chest, and down my stomach, following the trail of hickeys from the night before. Her hands come back up, and she brushes my hair out of my face, before intertwining her fingers at the back of my neck. I smile at her, and lean down towards her neck, brushing her hair out of the way with my hand to then place a delicate kiss over the love bites I can reach while she still has my shirt on. When my lips make contact with her sweet spot, which I left a very noticeable hickey on last night, she moans softly, and I pull her closer to me, putting all my focus on that one place on her neck. She locks her fingers in my hair and tugs on it gently, and within a few seconds I've picked her up and pinned her against the wall, her legs wrapped around my waist. (Y/N) instinctively starts rolling her hips against mine, so I decide to take the hint and not tease her by making her wait. I rock my hips into hers, grinding against her and giving us both the much needed friction. I hear a creaking floorboard from upstairs, and pull away from her neck, laughing slightly.
"What?" My beautiful, and very out of breath, girl asks me.
I rest my forehead against hers "I pay so much attention to you that I forget we dont live alone."
Confusion is written on her face, and my smile widens as I hear my family slowly descending the stairs. (Y/N) hears it too, and rolls her eyes, causing me to laugh. My parents cockblocking us used to be super annoying, but now it's just an ongoing joke between myself and my girlfriend. I place her back down on the floor, and she stares at my chest, wide eyed. Suddenly, we're both aware that my shirt does not cover all of (Y/N)'s ass in her thong, and the trail of hickeys on my chest is perfectly visible because Im not wearing a shirt. Thinking fast, I turn to face the door and pull (Y/N) in front of me, her back pressed against my chest, covering the trail of hickeys and also hiding her, very nice, ass from view.
My mom and dad walk in, see my messed up hair and lack of shirt, and roll their eyes at us.
"Go upstairs and cover up your modesty children!" My mom jokes.
Both (Y/N) and I laugh nervously, before awkwardly shuffling towards the stairs, keeping her back pressed against my chest to cover up our 'modesty'. Once we reach the stairs, we both scramble up them and collapse in our room, both of us laughing hysterically at how awkward that was, and how we actually managed to do that. I sit down on the edge of my bed, and take hold of (Y/N)'s hands, intertwining our fingers as we both stop laughing.
"Now, where were we?" I smirk at her.
Her eyes widen at my Shrek reference, and I can see her debating in her head to call me out on it or to go along with it.
After a few seconds, she giggles and walks closer to me, letting go of my hands to grab fistfuls of my hair again.
I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her into me "Oh, I think I remember." I wink at her as I finish the reference, and she laughs so hard she throws her head back.
I lie down on the bed, pulling her with me, and connect her lips the second she looks back down at me, my hands exploring the wonderfully familiar body of my beautiful girl.

Needless to say, the phrase "good morning" is an understatement when Im with her.

Chandler Riggs ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now