You're A Dancer

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~ Chandler's POV ~

I groan in frustration into the phone "(Y/N), dont bail on me agaaiiinnn!" I whine.
My best friend laughs on the other end of the phone, and I can tell she's put me on speaker because I can hear her shuffling around her room, packing her things.
"I cant this week Chandler, I really have to rehearse my solo routine!" She responds, and I notice how her tone picks up when she mentions her dancing.
I sigh "But you've been rehearsing every single day this week, cant you take the day off?"
Memories of the amount of times I've messaged her this week about hanging out, only for her to decline because she's practising, flash through my mind.
She laughs harder "I've been practising small moves at home and doing my warmups everyday, but I havent been rehearsing my full routine because I dont have the space!"
I pout into the phone "I guess I'll just have to be super lonely then."
Sam frowns at me from the other side of my bedroom "Hey asshole, forgetting somebody?"
I sigh dramatically "So alone!"
(Y/N) laughs, and Sam takes my phone away from my ear to talk to her "Would it be possible for us to come to your rehearsal with you? I dont think I'll survive spending the next few hours with Chandler moping around and missing you like the sad bitch he is."
I laugh and shake my head at him, though I know he's totally right in what he's saying.
Sam rolls his eyes as (Y/N) responds to him, and I strain to hear her, but it's no use.
"C'mon, isnt it about time you let us see you dance? Honestly (Y/N), because neither Chandler and I have ever been allowed to see you dance, we're starting to think you're not actually dancing, but instead you're hacking NASA, or maybe...maybe you have a secret boyfriend you're not telling us about!" Sam teases her.
My stomach sinks. I believe (Y/N) is dancing, but that doesnt change the fact that Sam has placed doubts inside my head. We're all really close friends, so if she was seeing someone, she would at least tell me, right? I frown at myself, I shouldnt be letting all this get to me so much.
Sam laughs "You should see Chandler's face since I mentioned you having a secret boyfriend, he's soooo jealous!"
Im brought back to reality at the sound of his voice, and I flip him off. My crush on (Y/N) has become a sort of joke in our friend group, though I've never confirmed it to her because she's never asked, and Im pretty sure she believes it it just a joke, but Sam knows it's true.
Sam grins as he listens to (Y/N) "Of course Chandler can drive you to practise! We'll be over in 10!" Then he hangs up and tosses my phone back to me.
I stare at him wide eyed "Well!?! What did she say!?!"
Sam shrugs "Somethin' about 'how dare you accuse me of having a secret boyfriend! Oh this is so embarrassing! Chandler can never think that, for I am destined to be his lover', then she finally gave in and said we can go with her to her dance rehearsal so that we can actually hang out with her this week."
I roll my eyes at the fake response he made up "Sure, ok."
Sam raises an eyebrow "No, seriously, did you not hear me? We have to go pick her up!"
My jaw drops "Wait, you were serious? She's actually letting us see her dance!?!"
We've all been best friends since we were little kids, and (Y/N) has been dancing practically since she could walk, but she's always been a very shy and reserved person, especially when it comes to dancing. Neither Sam nor I have ever been lucky enough to see her dance, because she gets embarrassed and refuses, which is always an adorable sight.
Sam stands up and smacks me across the head "You're a fucking idiot, c'mon, we gotta go!"
I jump up and grab my car keys, before the two of us jog out of my house. Im too in shock to speak, Im actually going to see her dance!

Im still in complete shock when (Y/N) is sat beside me in the passenger seat of my car, her hair pulled up in a messy ponytail, wearing black leggings and a baggy black hoodie, holding a bag of mysterious 'dance supplies' on her lap.
She pokes my cheek "Earth to Chandler, anybody home?"
I blink rapidly, snapping myself out of my thoughts "Sorry, I totally zoned out."
She giggles "No shit! What's on your mind?"
I laugh slightly "Honestly? I just cant believe you're letting us see you dance!"
(Y/N) smiles "Yeah, well, I didnt really have a choice, as SOMEBODY-" she turns and glares at Sam in the backseat "-said he was inclined to believe I was in fact seeing a secret boyfriend, and not dancing."
I shake my head and click my tongue "Dammit Sam, you've upset the female Michael Jackson!"
She giggles and looks down at her lap, blushing adorably "You havent even seen me dance yet!"
Sam rolls his eyes "You didnt deny it, cocky bitch."
(Y/N) gasps and turns to slap Sam's leg, as I laugh hysterically, still following (Y/N)'s directions to the dance studio.

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