Bleeding Love #2

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~ Your POV ~

You wake up to the sound of Chandler entering the room, and when your eyes flutter open you are greeted by a truly wonderful sight: Chandler with wet hair, wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. You push yourself up onto your elbows and bite your lip.
Chandler catches you checking him out and smirks "Like what you see?"
You nod frantically, before jumping out of bed and pouncing on him, pulling him into a heated kiss that doesnt last anywhere near as long as you want it to.
You pull away breathlessly "Im guessing that because you got up early to shower and didnt wake me up to shower with you, you've got stuff to do today."
Chandler nods sadly, and you look down at the floor.
He places a finger under your chin and lifts your head so that he can meet your gaze "Dont be sad, I'll be back soon, I promise. Im just meeting up with some of the guys about some music stuff, I'll only be gone a few hours."
You nod and grin "Dont worry, it's totally fine! I'll miss you of course, but I wont be sad, I get that you've got your own things to do and I've got mine, I wont start sulking because you cant spend every waking moment with me. Im gonna go make breakfast, because if I stand here any longer with the view of you half naked, you'll end up being very late."
Chandler sighs "I swear you're the only person who can make me actually want to be late for things."
You giggle and kiss his cheek "Part of my charm baby! Imma go cook up a storm!" And with that, you skip out of the room, using all your strength not to run back in there and have your way with him.

Ok so if seeing him half naked wasnt arousing enough, he walked down the stairs in black skinny jeans and a white button-up shirt. A shirt that you commonly refer to as the certified 'we are gonna fuck later' shirt. The cheeky smirk on his face confirmed that he knew exactly what shirt he was wearing and what it meant, and needless to say, you were quaking. You did indeed cook up a storm, and Chandler thoroughly enjoyed his breakfast, as did you, but it was food so of course you did.

You stand at the sink, wrist deep in scolding water and bubbles as you wash up.
Chandler wraps his arms around your waist from behind "I've gotta go, but I'll be home as soon as I can, and we'll remind ourselves of the name of this shirt that you love so much."
You giggle and look over your shoulder to smile at him "I look forward to that."
He grins and kisses you briefly, and reluctantly taking his arms away from your waist "See you later baby, I love you!"
Your smile widens "See ya, and I love you too, dont set your friends on fire with your mixtape!"
You hear Chandler laughing from the front door as he calls back "I'll try not to!" And then he leaves, and you are home alone.
You smirk mischievously, now the fun begins.

As soon as the washing up is done, you practically fly up the stairs and grab your ukulele, before flinging yourself on Chandler's bed and opening your laptop. While cooking breakfast this morning, you got an incredible idea to help comfort Chandler about the hate you get, and you're beyond excited to get started on it. You go to youtube and search the song up. For the next hour, you work on perfecting the vocals to the best of your ability, then an hour creating a ukulele version of the backing track, a third hour fitting your vocals to your ukulele cover, then a final hour practising it as many times as you can. You did have other things you wanted to do today, but your priority is Chandler, not crying over puppy videos.

"HONEY IM HOOOME!" Chandler shouts from downstairs, copying your line from the day before.
You cant repress the bright smile on your face as you hide your laptop and place your ukulele on the floor beside the bed, before almost falling down the stairs and straight into Chandler's arms at an alarmingly fast pace.
"Woah, I know you love this shirt, but I didnt think you loved it THAT much!" Chandler laughs, gladly taking the opportunity to wrap his arms around you.
You beam up at him and shake your head "Im afraid reminding ourselves about the name of your shirt will have to wait, because I've got something else planned first."
Chandler raises an eyebrow "What's that?"
You pull away from him and grab his hand, not saying anything as you lead him up the stairs and into his room. You close the door and gently push Chandler onto the bed so that he's sitting on it. You jump down beside him and cross your legs, your giddy excitement evident on your face. Before your boyfriend can question you any further, you lean down to the floor and pick up your ukulele, which brings a smile to Chandler's face instantaneously.
"So, after last night, I've been trying to come up with a way to express my feelings towards the hate I get, but in the cutest and cheesiest way I possibly can. While making breakfast, I came up with the best idea I think I've ever had, and literally since you left this morning, all I've done is learn and practise this thing. Keep in mind, I could not find a ukulele cover of this song, so I had to come up with the backing track myself, meaning it's likely going to sound god-awful, but it's the thought that counts." You explain.
Chandler smiles adoringly at you "Baby, you really didnt have t-"
You place a finger on his lips "Hush, I know I didnt have to, but I wanted to, so I did. Now, prepare for feels."
Chandler laughs slightly, and you clear your throat, then you begin strumming the chords you've been memorising all day.

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