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~ Your POV ~

Tonight, is not your night. Due to how busy the two of you have been, you and Chandler have barely been able to talk all day, and now, during the first time you've been able to properly talk all day, you've managed to piss him off. Great job.

Long distance relationships are hard. Sure, Chandler may only life a few hours drive away, which makes you far better off than some long distance couples, but you still face very similar struggles. Messages can be misinterpreted, fucking up is a much easier thing to do, and in all honesty, you feel like you're the one that fucks up the most regularly.

With a heavy sigh, you say goodnight to Chandler, your upset tone fairly evident in your final message to him, then you plug your phone in to charge over night, and collapse on your bed. In seconds, hot tears sting your ears, and begin rolling down your cheeks. Why is it always you that fucks it up? What do you keep doing wrong? Your doubts cloud your mind, making it impossible to think about anything else. You sit up, and pull your knees into your chest, not allowing yourself to sob hysterically, not over something so small. You know you arent going to lose him over this, and you know it's just a small bump in the road, things are always rocky in the beginning, but if you're strong enough, you get through those parts, and come out even stronger. You know you and Chandler can and will do that, so that doesnt bother you. What does, is how often you keep hurting him unintentionally. You lie back down on your bed, your tears quickly forming a wet patch by your face. You dont know how long you cry for, but it feels like an eternity.

You stand up, wiping your eyes and running your hands through your hair, as you shuffle to the stairs, and timidly make your way down them. You arrive in the kitchen, and make yourself a glass of water, before heading into the living room. You grab a blanket, and curl up on the couch, switching on the tv with the remote and scrolling through various channels. At this time of night, there's hardly anything interesting on, but that doesnt matter. You arent looking for something to watch, just some background noise. Eventually settling for some late night political talkshow, you take some of the tissues out of the tissue box on the coffee table a few meters away from you, and hold them scrunched up to your face, very glad that you live alone so you're free to look as pathetic as you like. Hot tears roll down your cheeks again, but this time landing on the tissues. They continue to fall, leaving your cheeks stained with trails of guilt and sadness, as your eyes drift shut.

"Oh baby, what have I done to you!?!" You hear a low, concerned whisper, as though the person in your home was talking to themselves rather than you.
Normally, a voice so quiet would not wake you from your slumber, but your ears are tuned to this voice, they know this voice, meaning you recognise the voice instantly, and your eyes fly open. There Chandler stands, towering over the couch you're lying on, his eyes red and puffy, his hair disheveled, and dark bags under his eyes. You sit up and rub your eyes tiredly, and quickly give your arm a pinch, just to be sure you arent dreaming.
You stare up at him in shock "Wh-What are you doing here!?!"
Your boyfriend kneels down in front of you, placing his hands on your knees as he stares deeply into your eyes "I drove all the way here, because your last message to me made me realise how much I'd upset you by staying annoyed at you. I tried to get ahold of you, messaged you, left you a bunch of texts, called you, called you on skype, I messaged every social media account you have, but you werent responding at all, so I had to make sure you're alright. I drove all the way here, and Im sorry Im late, but the traffic was hell. Im so, so sorry, I didnt mea-"
You cut him off by cupping his face with your hands and kissing him passionately. His hands wrap around yours, prolonging the kiss just a little, before you both pull away.
You sniffle "You drove all this way, just to check I was alright?"
Chandler nods guilty "And you clearly arent, which is all my fucking fault. Im so sorry baby, really I am, I never meant to upset you so much!" You can hear in his voice just how broken he is, how scared he is just by the idea of hurting you and making you cry.
You hold his hands and rest your forehead against his "It's ok Chandler, I promise. Couples fight, but the strongest couples can make it through anything, and I know for a fact, we can."
Your boyfriend suddenly lights up the entire room with his smile "And we will!"
Unable to stop yourself, you smile back at him "We will."
Chandler stands up, and pulls you with him. Your expression changes to a frown as you caress his cheeks, now even more aware of his tearstained cheeks and puffy eyes.
"Have you been crying?" You ask, your voice hoarse.
Chandler holds your hand against his cheek and nuzzles into it, kissing the back of your hand "Nowhere near as much as you, but my emotions were running high all the way here because I was so worried about you."
You lean up to kiss him "Im ok, I promise. Or, at least, Im ok now." You grin up at him cheesily.
Your boyfriend replicates your expression "Me too."
Without warning, he wraps his arms around your waist, and lifts you into the air. Instinctively, you wrap your legs around his waist and arms around his neck, burying your face in his long brown hair as he leaves delicate kisses on your neck and shoulder, that are so soft you barely feel them, as he begins walking you up the stairs, back to your room.

You know that his kisses just now were not sexual in the slightest, and you know that right now you arent heading to your room for sexy times, because there is so much more to relationships than that. His kisses, are to let you know that he's here for you, he loves you, and he's sorry. And he's taking you to your room to cuddle, so the two of you can show each other just how much you've missed each others presence. Relationships arent about sex, though that part is also great, and they arent about fights either, they're about moments like this, that are special, perfect, and so, so important. Moments like these are what makes the fights all worth it, because moments like these outnumber the fights by miles, and no fight could ever be powerful enough to take away what you have. That's what a real relationship means, to me at least.

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