Someone Threatens You

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~ Your POV ~

You stroll down the school corridor, your boyfriend Chandler holding onto your hand, and your best friend walking on the other side of you, all three of you just chatting and laughing together after an hour of physics.
"Has anything else happened between you and Ryan?" You ask your best friend, her ex had been pestering her a lot recently, and she kept you updated on what was going on.
Your best friend sighs "Oh y'know, just the usual stuff, he's still talking about me behind my back, and obviously he's still mad about how things ended between us, but I really dont care anymore."
You nod in understanding, her and Ryan had a pretty messy breakup. You never liked Ryan, and you were always honest with your best friend, but she was blinded by her affections and didnt see what was right in front of her: a selfish prick who cared about nothing more than getting in her pants and telling all his friends about it. He was beyond petty, and refused to accept any time she tried to break up with him, until she dumped him in person, in front of all of his football friends. The embarrassment was something his ego couldnt handle, and since then he's been harassing your best friend over text, and giving you death stares whenever he sees you. Chandler knows about the situation, but you havent told him about the death stares aimed at you. You know how protective Chandler can get of you, and regardless of whether Ryan is a complete asshole or not, you dont want to see him get beaten up unless he takes things too far, which he hasnt.
Chandler squeezes your hand, and you look up, straight ahead of you, to see Ryan storming over to your best friend, a determined and very angry expression on his face. Ryan towers over you, but your best friend and Chandler are substantially taller than you.
"You seriously think it isnt obvious to everyone here that you want me back!?!" Ryan's voice echoes through the corridor, which is now eerily quiet.
Your best friend rolls her eyes "In your dreams Ryan, I can do so much better than you!"
Ryan scoffs "You've already done more than half of the school's population, you havent got many people left, and none of them are even close to me!"
Your best friend sighs "I could get more pleasure fucking a cactus than I got from my entire relationship with you, asswipe."
You burst out laughing at her comment, your best friend is a savage.
Ryan turns his gaze to you, and that familiar death stare fixes on you "I'll bet this whole thing was your idea, you never liked me, it was your fault that she broke up with me, you good for nothing slut!"
You raise an eyebrow up at him "Please, if it had been up to me, she never would've gone out with your pathetic ass in the first place. You'd fuck anything with a pulse, Im just glad that in the end she finally saw you for what you are: a piece of shit."
"What the fuck did you just say to me!?!" Ryan moves to stand in front of you, towering over you and staring you down "You better shut your mouth, or I'll shut it for you, bitch."
Chandler takes a step forward to stand between you, forcing Ryan back "Dont go near her." His voice is calm, but you can hear the subtle edge of a threat.
Ryan raises an eyebrow "Or what?"
He tries to walk towards you again, but Chandler pushes him back "Dont."
Ryan laughs "Oh, pretty boy's gonna take me! You wanna tie your hair back before we get started, princess?"
You're about to point out that Chandler's hair is a force of beauty to be reckoned with, when suddenly Chandler's fist makes contact with Ryan's jaw, sending him crashing to the floor before he jumps to his feet and forces Chandler against the lockers. You blink rapidly, not believing what you're seeing as Chandler knees Ryan in the balls and pushes him up against the lockers inside, holding him up by his collar.
Chandler is breathing heavily as he seethes "Dont you dare come anywhere near me or my girlfriend again, you hear me? If you touch her, talk to her, or even look at her the wrong way, I will not be as opposed to beating the undying shit out of you. And if I get word of you even BREATHING something bad about your ex girlfriend, things will not end well for you. Got it?"
Ryan nods frantically, and you're quick to run up behind Chandler and place a hand on his back "C'mon babe, let's go."
You feel Chandler's body relax under your touch as he lets Ryan fall to the floor, and when he turns to face you his angry expression softens completely. Ryan scrambles to his feet and runs off, while Chandler lifts his hand to caress your cheek.
"Are you ok?" Your boyfriend asks you, his tone soft and caring.
You nod and smile up at him "Of course." You take ahold of his hand and gently trace over his bloody knuckles "What about you?"
Chandler shakes his head "Im fine, adrenaline meant I didnt feel a thing." You raise an eyebrow up at him, and he rolls his eyes playfully "I promise, Im ok. Even if I wasnt, it wouldnt matter, because keeping you safe is more than worth the odd injury."
Your smile widens as you cheeks flush pink "You're too protective for your own good."
Chandler grins and cups your face with his hands "And you're too cute for me to ever let anyone or anything harm you." He drops his hands and shrugs "I've gotta keep my baby safe, that's just how it is."
You giggle and shake your head at him, as your best friend runs over to you after recovering from her shock "OHMYGOD, CHANDLER, THAT WAS AWESOME! YOU'RE SUCH A BADASS!"
Chandler laughs and intertwines his fingers with yours "Im not a badass, Im just not about to let some asshole hurt people I care about."
You nudge him "That, and you are a total badass."
He winks at you "For you? Hell yeah."
You lean up to kiss him and your best friend makes a gagging noise "Ugh, you guys are so cute, it makes me want to die."
And so, you continued walking down the corridor, holding hands with your boyfriend, with your best friend beside you, all of you laughing and chatting just like you were before.

Needless to say, Ryan didnt bother any of you again, and anytime you saw him after that he turned and ran in the opposite direction. Chandler can certainly make a lasting impression when he gets protective, that's for sure.

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