I'll Always Be Gentle

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~ Your POV ~

You run your fingers through his hair, tugging on it lightly every so often, earning low growls against your lips as he continues to kiss you. You lie on your back on your bed, your knees up, with Chandler lying between your legs. His sweet words from all the times before whirl around your mind, all of the things he told you to comfort you so that you were no longer scared of being intimate, or to reassure you that the fact you needed to stop didnt upset him. His lips leave yours, and venture down to your neck. You feel yourself tense up slightly, but then Chandlers hand grabs yours, and his thumb glides across your knuckles.
"It's ok baby, Im not going to hurt you." He whispers against your neck, his voice rough.
All tension leaves your body, and you relax, allowing him to continue. You've been together for three years, and the two of you have never gone beyond heated kissing, because you always chicken out, and Chandler promises to wait until you're ready. But tonight, it feels different.
"Chandler..." You whisper.
He instantly stops what he's doing "What's wrong babe? Are you ok?"
You nod, as your hand leaves his hair, and rests against his cheek "I think...Im ready."
Chandlers eyes widen "What!?! Really!?!"
You nod again, biting your lip "Im ready Chandler, I love you, and I trust you."
Chandler blushes slightly as he smiles down at you "I love you too, and I promise, I'll be gentle with you, we'll go as slow as you need."
His lips find your neck again, and create a trail down your body, leaving deep purple hickeys in his wake. You feel your heart pounding in your chest, and your breathing is incredibly uneven, but you're not scared, not at all. In this moment, as you prepare to give him your all, you have so many thoughts rushing through your head. You smile as your mind travels back to a time when you were even scared to kiss Chandler on the lips, because previous experiences left you with anxieties surrounding even that sort of contact. But he has built you up, he has made you better, and you cant thank him enough for that. He's comforted you endlessly over every step of your relationship, regardless of how pathetic you felt. Finding someone as amazing as him is something you'll never get over. You never thought you'd be able to trust or love again after what happened in the past, but then this wonderful boy stumbled into your life completely by chance, and you were unable to stop yourself from falling for him, you didnt want to stop yourself. Chandlers hand slips under your skinny jeans, and you're instantly transported to the last time someone was intimate with you. You squirm and close your legs, whining as tears fill your eyes. Chandlers hand is out of your pants in an instant, and his arms are around you, holding you tightly.
"Shhh baby, it's ok, it's ok, it's just me, Im not going to hurt you, I promise." He peppers your face in kisses as he whispers to you, and you calm down within seconds. When you open your eyes, you meet Chandlers concerned ones staring down at you "Do you want to stop?"
You shake your head "No, no, not at all. I just...can we go a little slower? Please?" You plead, your voice shaky.
Your boyfriends eyes soften "Of course we can beautiful, we can go as slow as you want. I'll always be gentle with you."
With a sudden surge of confidence, you lean up, and capture his lips with yours, completely ready for the intimacy ahead and creating a memory you'll never forget. Your worries and anxieties start interfering again, but no matter what they tell you, his voice comes back into your head, repeating the same words over and over again, fighting off any fears you have, because you believe him, you trust him, and you love him. It doesnt matter what happened before now, it doesnt matter one bit, because right here, right now, you're with Chandler, and he'll always be gentle with you.

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