Beautiful Mind

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~ Chandler's POV ~

As soon as the bell sounds, She stands up, grabs her stuff, and runs out of the classroom. By the time Im out in the corridor, She's completely disappeared, but I know exactly where she'll be.

I go out to the school garden, and find her lying on the grass, her notepad on her thighs, and a pen in her hand. I stand in the doorway, just watching her, waiting for it. Suddenly, she sits bolt upright, and starts frantically scribbling down in her notepad. I never have any idea what she writes, or what inspires her to write, but it's fascinating to me. She is fascinating. She does this everyday, without fail. In school, she often goes unnoticed, but her creative writing talents are the one thing about her that cannot go under the radar. She doesnt really talk to anyone, and as far as I know she doesnt have any friends, but she seems like the happiest, and most peaceful girl I've ever seen. She's so intriguing to me. She's a mystery. A code Im desperate to crack.
"Why do you watch me?" She asks, without turning to face me, as she continues to scribble down on her notepad.
My eyes widen, shit, I didnt think she even noticed I was here! "I-I dont know..."
She stops writing, but still doesnt look at me "Your name is Chandler, isnt it?"
My jaw drops, she knows my name? "Y-Yeah..."
"Come over here, I dont bite." She encourages, still without turning to face me.
I awkwardly walk over to her, and sit down beside her. I look over at her, and see her staring straight ahead, but at nothing in particular. The breeze blows her hair across her face, and she calmly tucks some of it behind her ear.
"You're curious, arent you? You want to know what it is I write, and why I write it." She tells me.
How the hell does she know that!?! "Yeah, I do, but if you dont want to tell me, that's fine..."
She shakes her head, and for the first time, turns to face me "I wont need to tell you, I can show you." She turns back to face directly in front of her, and lies down. For a reason that remains unknown to me, I do the same, and lie down beside her. She stares up at the sky, and I follow her gaze, desperately searching for whatever it is she sees, but all I see is the blue sky above me.
"What do you see, Chandler?" She asks me in a quiet voice.
"I see the sky." I answer.
"You need to stop searching, you need to clear your mind. Close your eyes." She requests.
I raise an eyebrow "Why?"
"Just do it." She tells me.
I nod, and close my eyes.
She clears her throat "I want you to open your mind to absolutely everything when you open your eyes. Take note of everything, and the way it makes you feel. Everything around you will affect you differently, and the different emotions you feel will shock you, but it will be ok, trust me."
I sigh sadly "But I dont know how to do all that stuff."
She laughs slightly, and the sound is music to my ears "You will." And then, I feel her fingers intertwine with me.
My mind goes blank, Im too shocked to think of anything else. She's holding my hand!
"Open your eyes." She whispers, so quietly I almost dont hear her.
My eyes snap open, and Im consumed by my own surroundings. The small amount of sky that I can see is surrounded by a frame of bright green leaves, each one dotted with rain droplets from earlier this morning, and it makes me feel alive. The grass beneath me caress the skin of my arms, and it relaxes me. Those are conflicting thoughts. The sky makes me feel absolutely tiny, it's vast plains are terrifying, but exhilarating. There is so much for us to learn about the sky, and so much to explore. How have I never seen the world like this!?! My eyes almost pop out of my skull, and my emotions are so intense that I feel my hand wrap tightly around Hers.
"What do you feel?" She asks me.
I blink rapidly "I-I dont know!?!"
She laughs slightly "It's a thrilling awakening, it's a form of meditation that I accidentally stumbled across a few years ago, and I've practised it everyday since. Because I've gone through it so many times, I now see the world that way all the time, and every time I lie here, the world looks different. What I feel is more intense than most people can imagine, and nobody has ever taken interest in this, except you. That's why I let you watch me for so long without saying anything, I wanted to see if you really were interested."
I sit up and run my free hand through my hair "That's how you see the world all the time!?!"
She nods and sits up "Yes."
I stare into her eyes, and I realise now that they look like they hold galaxies in them, endless amounts of stars, and it occurs to me just how beautiful she is.
"Why dont you share this with anyone else? This is incredible!" I exclaim.
She nods "It is, but I've never found anyone to share it with. Nobody notices me, and that's ok, I like it that way, but it does get lonely at times. The world is a gorgeous thing, but experiencing that beauty alone is not particularly fun." She looks away from me.
I squeeze her hand gently "You dont have to be lonely anymore, Im  not going anywhere, I promise."
Her head snaps back to look at me, her eyes wide in shock "Really?"
I nod and smile at her "Really really."
All of a sudden, she launches herself at me, her arms wrapping around my neck, mine wrapping themselves around her waist. I fall back onto the grass, with her on top of me, and bury my face in her neck, holding her as close to me as humanly possible.
After a few minutes, she slides off me a little, and curls up at my side, her arm still draped over my stomach, and one of her hands held tightly by mine.
We both stare up at the sky, still taking in the rest of the world.
"What do you write about?" I ask her, breaking the silence.
She reaches over, and picks up her notepad, before passing it to me "Read it yourself."
I nod, and start flicking through the pages.


"I noticed Him staring at me in class today. I wonder what he thinks of me.
He followed me out here. He's watching me. Why?"

"He's here again today. Should I say something? No, he's probably here out of boredom. Forget it."

"Why is he here again?"

"I should just talk to him. But I cant. Im too scared. I'll talk to him eventually, if he continues to watch me."

"Why doesnt he talk to me? Clearly he doesnt want to communicate, so I should make no effort to start a conversation."

"It's been weeks, and he's still here, everyday, watching me. Is he genuinely interested in me? Why? He's too cute to be interested in me. Why does he bother?"

"Today's the day. Im going to talk to him. I need to do this.
I chickened out."

"Today. I'll do it today.
I chickened out again."

"I need to know why he's still watching me. Im gonna do it. Im gonna pluck up the courage to talk to him."


My eyes widen, she's been writing about me! All this time, I assumed something out here was inspiring her, when in reality, she was writing to herself, trying to pluck up the courage to talk to me!
I pass her notepad back to her, and place a soft kiss on her forehead "You're beautiful, you know that?"
She blushes a violent shade of red "Wh-What!?!"
I smile widely as I look down at her "I love the way your mind works, how you see things, and how you've opened my eyes. You are stunning."
She turns and hides her face in the side of me shirt "Thank you." She whispers hoarsely, her hand scrunching up my shirt in her fist.
My arms tighten around her "You dont need to thank me."
She sniffles "Why did you agree to stay with me without even thinking about it?"
A wide smile stretches across my face "Your beautiful mind has made it impossible for me to leave, so Im not going anywhere, not ever. Im here to stay, and I always will be. Im right here, I've got you, it's ok (Y/N)."
She gasps "Y-You know my name!?!"
I kiss her forehead "I've always known your name, I've just never felt worthy of even thinking it."
She leans up and kisses my cheek "What changed your mind?"
I turn and smile widely at her "You called me cute in the notes I've watched you write for weeks, and all this time I thought you were writing about something impossible."
She beams at me "I was, I was writing about an impossible boy, the one that promised to stay."
I smirk playfully "Oh really? And who might that be?"
She shrugs "No clue, I just know he has really great hair."
We stare at each other, waiting to see who will crack first, before we both break, and burst out laughing.

The beautiful mind and the great hair? Works for me!

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