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~ Chandler's POV ~

With a bright smile plastered on my face, I set up xbox live chat, and start flicking through games as I wait for her to join the chat.

Well, let me tell you a story,
About a girl and a boy.

My games fall out of my hands as "IT ME!" is shouted through my headphones, directly into my ears.
I burst out laughing "Jesus christ (Y/N), you scared me!"
Her laughter fills my ears, and Im glad she cant see how much that sound alone makes me smile "I would've thought you're used to my random loudness by now, Mr Chair!"
I shake my head and laugh at the stupid nickname she still uses. When (Y/N) and I were younger, she got me into Pewdiepie, and in his Amnesia series, he would always address the chairs as 'Mr Chair' in a stupid voice. I can remember when we watched those videos together, and how (Y/N) slowly turned to face me, with her signature mischievous grin on her face, and it was at that moment I knew I was completely done for.

He fell in love with his best friend,
When she's around, he feels nothing but joy.

As usual, within a few minutes, my face starts hurting from the amount Im smiling when talking to her.
She groans impatiently "Mr Chair, if you dont pick a game in the next five seconds I will be forced to march to your house and choose for you!"
My heart skips a beat just at the thought of her coming over, but I cover it up with a sigh "I guess we'll go for a classic."
I invite (Y/N) to my Left 4 Dead 2 party, and she squeals "Ooh, this'll be a good trip down memory lane for us! Do you remember-"
Her phone beeps, cutting her off mid-sentence, and instantly, I know who texted her. There's only two people that (Y/N) will pause her sentences for when they text her: me, and him. My blood boils at the thought of him.
"Sorry Chan, I'll be back in a minute." Her voice is smaller now, so much more timid, and I can tell he's said something that's really upset her.
Before I can even attempt persuading her to stay, she leaves the live chat, and my head falls to my hands. I could treat her so much better than him, why cant she see that?

But she was already broken, and it made her blind,
But she could never believe that love would ever treat her right.

Ten minutes pass, and my concern for her grows exponentially. I've been protective of her since we were kids, but since she started dating him, it's only gotten worse. For so many years, I've hidden my feelings towards her, even from myself, because I knew as soon as I admitted them to myself, things would never be the same. Eventually, my feelings became too strong to resist, and I just gave in. This guy (Y/N) is dating, she has been dating on and off for the past year, but they split up so often it's hardly serious. She loved him at first, but now, I genuinely think she's just too scared to leave him for good. The guy is an asshole, and he treats her like complete shit.

Did you know that I loved you, or were you not aware?

She brings out the best in me, and I do the same for her, we always have. We practically grew up together, we were so close from such a young age. I've taken her so many places with me, because I cant stand being away from her for very long, and she loves travelling. I've taken her to various Walker Stalker Con events, The Walking Dead premiere's, and even taken her on set when we film some place interesting. Every member of cast loves her, and they're all too aware of my ridiculously obvious crush on her. I've been sat down between Norman and Andy feeling like total shit for whatever reason, and as soon as she walks into the room, Im practically glowing. I cant stop smiling when Im around her. I cant remember the last time I smiled when it wasnt because of something she said or did. Even the simplest things, like a meme she sends me when we're talking over the phone, the meme would amuse me, but the fact that she'll be wheezing on the other end of the phone is what makes me smile.

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