Right Here, Right Now

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This imagine doesnt exactly link to the song but I was listening to it on a loop while writing this and if you REALLY THINK ABOUT IT then you can kinda sorta see a resemblance in this plot lol, Im using any excuse to include High School Musical, fucc u 

~ Your POV ~

You watch him longingly, unable to suppress the aching in your chest from causing you physical pain, which is so strong that it's evident on your face. Trying your best to hold back tears as he approaches Andy, you focus instead on his smile, how happy and strong he is holding himself together today. Far better than you are, that's for sure.
"Hey, how're you doin'?" Norman asks as he ta
kes a seat beside you, a few meters away from today's set.
You tear your gaze from Chandler, laughing nervously to hide your pain "Im alright, yourself?"
Norman shakes his head "Dont even try bullshittin' me (Y/N), everyone here knows how hard today is, especially for you and him." He nods his head in Chandler's direction.
You frown at him "I dont know what you mean?"
Norman rolls his eyes at you "How stupid of a redneck do you think I am? C'mon now, everybody can see you're crazy 'bout 'im, and he's just as crazy 'boutchu."
Your cheeks flush a violent shade of red as you avoid eye contact with him anxiously "Th-There's no way he could ever, dont even say that!"
Norman laughs "Gotcha! You denied his feelin's, but not your own, ha!"
Your eyes widen as you realise that you fell straight into his trap, and you sigh in defeat "I guess you're right."
Norman clocks onto your falling facade, and gently rubs your back to calm you "It'll be ok, you wont lose touch with the kid, he'd never let that happen. Just try to enjoy his last say on set with all of us, it's better than mopin' around and bein' upset about the inevitable."
You nod in understanding "Yeah, I know, but that's still easier said than done."
Norman sighs knowingly "Ain't it just that little lady-shit, he's comin' over, I'll leave you two be!" Without giving you the chance to try and persuade him to stay and save the inevitable goodbye from Chandler, Norman jumps to his feet and speeds over to Andy, patting Chandler's shoulder on the way past.
"(Y/N)?" Your stomach flips at the sound of him saying your name.
You gulp nervously and dare to look up from your sitting position on the floor, to see Chandler staring down at you, with a warm smile on his face.
Your eyes dart back down to the floor as you hurry to blink away your tears "Hey Chan."
Chandler clears his throat "Listen, uh, I wanted to-"
You catch sight of Lauren Cohan, and quickly jump to your feet "Sorry, I have to go talk to Lauren, I'll catch up with you later though, ok?"
Chandler smiles sadly "Yeah, yeah, of course, no worries."
Before you let the guilt consume you, you speed walk over to Lauren and strike up a conversation with her. You didnt have any reason to talk to her, but you used whatever you could to get out of that conversation with Chandler. The idea of it being a farewell of any kind put you in an instant fight or flight position, and you would choose flight every single time, until you no longer could.

All day, different members of the cast have come up to you, telling you Chandler wants to talk to you, and all day, you have been avoiding him. The second you saw him, you would turn and run in the other direction. Perhaps part of you is convinced that if he never says goodbye to you, he wont ever leave, but you know that no matter how much you want that to be true, him leaving the show and the cast is going to happen regardless of how long you avoid him. Andy tried to have a heart to heart with you about your feelings towards Chandler, as he is a sort of second dad and best friend to you, and usually you can open up to him at least a little, but not today, today you made up the excuse of needing to use the restroom, and then you ran away. Norman found you hiding beside his trailer, and he tried to persuade you to talk to Chandler, because apparently Chandler had been searching for you all day, so you used the excuse of being super busy running lines for your upcoming scenes, so busy that you 'had barely seen Chandler at all'. When you were in makeup, Lauren and Katelyn both came to try and talk to you, and you lied and told them you'd talk to Chandler after filming your last scenes with him for the day, but as soon as filming was over, you practically sprinted to your trailer and locked yourself inside, which is where you have been since. You're sat on the floor, leaning against your trailer door, with your knees against your chest and your head in your hands, sobbing hysterically. You cant get the image of Chandler lighting up with a smile when you went on set to film the scenes with him today, you know that he was overjoyed to see you and desperate to talk to you, but you still ran away. You cant face him.
"(Y/N)?" A kind voice says through the door after a gentle knock, you'd recognise that soft British accent anywhere.
You sniffle and try to put on a happy tone "Yeah?"
Andrew sighs "I promise it's just me, and I've come to talk. I've noticed how strange you're acting today, everyone has, and I want to talk to you about what's going on. If you dont want to unlock the door, I understand, I'll just stay standing here and talk. But, please, hear me out."
Rubbing your eyes, you bring yourself to your feet and unlock your trailer door, before falling back down to the floor and sitting against the wall, in the same position as you were previously in. Andy gently pushes the door open and steps into your trailer, as soon as he sees you, he gasps and sits down beside you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and shushing you as you continue to cry.
"I suppose it was silly for me to not expect to find you crying in your trailer at a time like this." He laughs slightly, and you manage to choke out a chuckle "Everyone is really worried about you, y'know. We all know exactly why you're acting the way you are, everyone can see how hurt you are by Chandler leaving. Everyone except Chandler. He has no idea why you're avoiding him, he doesnt even know that you're upset, because he hasnt seen you or spoken to you at all today really! From his perspective, he's desperate to talk to you and say whatever he wants to say, and regardless of it being his last day on set, you dont care and you havent bothered to talk to him."
Your chin begins to wobble as you realise how much your behaviour has hurt Chandler.
"But Chandler, he isnt a stupid boy, and he knows you very well. With how often you two talk, he knows you're avoiding him deliberately today, and logically he can guess it's because he's leaving, but he cant figure out why you dont want to talk to him. Honestly, today he wants to spend more time with you than with anyone else, and yet he's barely spent any time with you at all. Will you please talk to him? Trust me when I say, if you dont, you will regret it for the rest of your life. Despite where your head is at right now, you know deep down that you are desperate to talk to him too, you're just scared, and that's ok. Just talk to him, please. If not for yourself, then do it for him. He's putting on a brave face today, but he's devastated, and he needs your support." Andy explains, his tone perfectly conveying just how worried he is about both you and Chandler.
You stand up and brush yourself off "Im gonna go get some air and clear my head, I need to think about everything you just told me."
Andy nods and stands up in front of you "I understand, I'll be here if you need me."
You raise an eyebrow "You'll be here? As in, in my trailer?"
Andy nods and sighs "Yeah, sorry, I forgot to mention: Normski has decided to pull another prank on me and hide a bunch of my scripts and belongings in here."

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