He Tries To Impress You

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~ Chandler's POV ~

"Oh my god Sam, shut up!" I plead with him as I laugh hysterically, the two of us walking down the hall to our next class while Sam keeps making weird and random remarks in the most stupid voice I've ever heard.
"Why would I ever stop quenching your thirst with my moist regions?" He says in the same stupid voice that reminds me of Cartman from Southpark.

I put a hand on his chest to stop him walking as I turn to face him "Never say 'moist regions' in my presence ever again."
We both stare at each other, deadly serious, before we burst out laughing and keep walking. Out of nowhere, a girl strolls out in front of us, super casually, but her short, bright blue hair makes my eyes go wide. She doesnt even glance in my direction, and I doubt she even notices I exist, with her earphones in she's completely ignoring the rest of the world. Her black ripped skinny jeans and white tank top, which is partially covered by a loose red plaid shirt, leave me in awe. Such casual clothes that could be worn by anyone, but on her, whoever she is, she genuinely looks like a glimpse of heaven.
I put my hand on Sam's shoulder "Who is that!?!" I whisper.
He shrugs "Some new girl, I think her name's (Y/N)."
I blink rapidly, unable to take my eyes off her as she enters my homeroom "Do you have any classes with her?"
Sam nods "Yeah, almost all of them actually, she's in your class last period though."
I turn to face him again "Sam, I have to talk to her."
He raises an eyebrow "Then...go...talk to her?"
I roll my eyes "Do you really think a girl as gorgeous as that would ever talk to me!?! Dude, I need to find out as much as I can about her before last period, so I can at least try to seem cool in front of her and not make a total ass of myself!"
My best friend sighs "And let me guess, because I have so many classes with her, you want me to get you as much information as possible about her interests so that you can casually bring them up to her last period and act like you just discovered you were meant to be friends or some shit?"
I nod frantically "Please!"
He sighs and shakes his head at me as we wander into homeroom "I never thought I'd see the day Chandler Riggs falls for some short version of Chloe Price from Life Is Strange."

My phone vibrates in my back pocket, and my eyes widen, another text from Sam! I sneak my phone out under my desk as my math teacher rambles on about pythagorus, to see what he's found out

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My phone vibrates in my back pocket, and my eyes widen, another text from Sam! I sneak my phone out under my desk as my math teacher rambles on about pythagorus, to see what he's found out. Apparently, he's got some "source" in his class, some friend of (Y/N)'s or something, who is talking to him about her.

Sam: The closest thing to electronic music that she listens to is some band called Motionless In White?

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