Chapter II

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Tuesday, May 24, 2016.
6 Weeks Left.

"Hey, Dean." Sam asked, opening the door slightly. It was pretty late, probably around 7, but unless if you're looking at the clock, it's impossible to tell the time. Dean was sitting in his wheelchair, as he had gotten up to go and grab a drink earlier, and hadn't bothered to get back into his bed yet, but he was planning to. "Gabriel, Castiel, and I wanted to watch TV, and Castiel's TV is broken, can we use yours?" He asked.

"I guess so." Dean said, looking at Sam, Gabriel, and Castiel. He really didn't, but he also didn't want to seem like an asshole. Anyway, it was better than doing nothing.

"Well then, what to watch?" Gabriel asked, plopping down on the bed.

"Get off my bed." Dean demanded.

"Why should I?" Gabriel asked, and lounged around on it.

"It's my bed." Dean argued.

"Technically it's the hospital's bed. So I have full rights to lay on it." Gabriel protested,

"That's where I was going to lay down."

"You have a chair. Do you want Sammy and I to stand?" He asked.

"I'm fine with standing, actually." Sam suggested.

"You know what, I'll just sit in front of the bed. Don't even think of laying on my brother, Gabriel." Dean said, but it was less of a demand and more of a joke, like when a parent jokes for their child to stop making out with their date.

"Nah, I'd never." Gabriel said, but he was too sarcastic to make Dean comfortable.

"You've been telling me terrible pick up lines all day, so I doubt that." Sam complained.

"Gabriel stop flirting with my brother."Dean joked, and he grabbed the remote off of the bed and started to look for a show to watch.

"Walking Dead?" Dean asked, as it popped up on the screen. It wasn't his favorite show, but it was okay.

"Nah, already watched them all." Gabriel said, shooting down the suggestion. Dean clicked the button, scrolling through kid's shows, news channels, and a couple of chick flicks, which were definitely a no.

"How about Sherlock? It's a good show." Castiel suggested as the show started playing on the screen. Sam's eyes instantly lit up at the mention of his favorite show.

"Yeah, Sherlock's the best!" Sam joined in. They looked at eachother, and Dean knew they would be fangirling -fanboying?- over it for a while.

"Not really my thing, honestly." Dean said, passing it up. Sam and Castiel both had the same exact expression on their faces, a cross between offense and shock. It made Dean smile and chuckle to himself a little how alike they were.

"What about this show?" Gabriel suggested, as a show called Unnatural was on the screen. "About two brothers hunting demons and shit like that."

"Sure, doesn't sound terrible." Sam said, and shrugged.

Dean nodded in agreement, and Cas smiled. "I quite like the show." He said.

"You'd like the character Sean," Gabriel told Sam,"He's more of a nerdy guy like you. And he has the same beautiful, flowing hair as you." Sam shoved Gabriel playfully. How they went from strangers to best friends in less than a day is a mystery to Dean.

"It's not that long." Sam complained, grabbing a strand of his hair. It was in fact very long, just below shoulder length.

"You need a haircut." Dean said, something he's said a thousand times. Sam rolled his eyes, as he always did whenever Dean said that.

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