Chapter VII

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Wednesday, June 1, 2016

4 Weeks, 6 Days Left

Cas and Dean were simply laying on the bed, watching Unnatural, as if they were two people doing ordinary things like any other person on a Wednesday evening. "You remind me of Raziel." Dean said, pointing to the angel on the laptop screen.

"What do you mean?" Cas asked, not looking away from the show.

"Awkward to the point it's almost kind of funny, same attire, deserves better than what the world's given in." Dean commented. "No offense, I mean."

"You're correct, I can see why you can compare us." He looked at Dean, and gave him a slight smile.

The two of them continued watching, and eventually Cas ended up falling asleep on Dean. Dean smiled at the beautiful black-haired man resting in the gap between his arm and chest. He looked forever tired, with the creases under his eyes and the short yet always messy hair. Dean moved around, careful not to disrupt Cas and wake him up, and tried to lay Cas' head against the pillow.

"Come on, Cas." Dean said, trying to move gently, which was harder, as he lost strength after the car crash. He finally successfully rested his head on the pillow. Cas' room felt so comforting, like a normal bedroom, with the harsh lighting off and the open window letting in some evening breeze. He didn't feel like going back through the harshly lit hospital hallways, but he knew he had to do so anyway.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

4 Weeks, 5 Days Left

"Hey, Cas." Dean said as he walked into Cas' room. He expected Cas to have been laying on the bed, either reading or on his laptop, but instead a sea of white coats surrounded his bed.

Doctors and nurses were frantically messing with IV machines and yelling out orders. "Excuse me, sir, you can't be in here right now. You can come back when his condition is more stable," one of them told me.

"What's going on?" Dean asked. His green eyes blinked a couple times out of shock and worry. "Is Cas okay?"

"We had to put him into a medically-induced coma so that his body wouldn't completely shut down and die."

"What?" He asked as he was shooed out of the room, and the wooden door was closed on his face. He stood there in shock. What happened to him? What? He wheeled over away from the door, but waited there. The hospital workers pulled Cas out on a rolling bed, rushing him down the hallway. Dean tried to catch a glimpse of Cas before he was gone. He was sickly pale, his short black hair messy and faded. It almost physically hurt Dean to see Cas like that.

He sat there for what felt like hours, staring at nothing, feeling nothing real while nothing felt real, as if he was in a dream. He finally got the strength to wheel away, and went back to his room, watching everyone rush by.


Laying around like it was a lazy Sunday, Dean had no idea what to do. He didn't feel like getting up, or laying down, or doing anything in general. He looked out the small glass window facing the hallway, watching the occasional passerby.

"Hey, Dean, are you okay?" His brother asked, quietly entering the room. "I heard what happened."

"Yeah, I'm fine." Dean said, snapping out of his trance. He looked back up at Sam.

"You sure, we can talk about it."

"No chick-flick moments." Dean said, making Sam laugh. He walked inside, and sat down on the bed, being so tall that he blocked the wall behind him.

Safe and Sound (A Destiel AU) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now