Chapter XXIII

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Damn, this is the last chapter. Well. I mean, this came way too soon (actually took a year and three months). And I cannot thank you all enough.

Sorry in advance. Please don't kill me, by the way. I'm safe in an imaginary pillow fort right now and I prefer being safe and sound.

June twenty six, two thousand and sixteen.

There was a strange feeling that day, one one of those that you just can't shake the feeling that there's something wrong.

A nurse came in this morning to deliver breakfast. The tray she held had a glass of water on it, and some scrambled eggs. Bringing out the fancy meals, perhaps, Dean thought to himself. But, upon entering the room, she turned too fast. The tray slid out of her hands and landed on the ground with a clatter. The plastic glass of water shattered when it hit the floor, sending plastic shards and water all across the room. The eggs landed awkwardly in a pile of plastic and water, looking less appetizing than before, the plate they sat on chipped in the corner.

The nurse gasped, and bent over to clean up the mess, apologizing frequently while picking up plastic. She called a janitor over, and he finished mopping up the mess.

"It's fine, I'm not hungry." Dean admitted when the nurse offered to get him another meal. His own words caught him by surprise. When was he to turn down a meal, after all. But, he just wasn't, and it wasn't because it was hospital food, he just wasn't hungry in general. Honestly, he didn't even feel like pie.

Somthing felt a little uneasy, his chest hurt, like the side cramps you get after running. But then again, he was still getting used to walking around and being healthy in general, maybe he was just sore from that.

Sam called him later that day, a little before noon. He said the internship was doing well, he started yesterday and was enjoying himself, and that he was happy. Sam's happy, which is one of Dean's biggest priorities.

Maybe he was just having a bad day. He did get less sleep than usual, that may explain the headache, and there's also allergies, which would explain the sore throat. He was still so much better than before. After all, bad days happen to everyone. He'd feel better by tomorrow, Dean told himself.

Perhaps he shouldn't go and say hello to Cas. He was exhausted, and Cas would probably rather him rest.

Dean shut the thought down quickly, and tried rolling out of bed to go see Cas.

As soon as he stood up, his vision went dark and the floor swayed under his feet. He instantly had to reach out for the bed to prevent him from collapsing.

Dean sat down on the bed, legs hanging off the edge, and reached for the phone on the nightstand. He pressed Cas' contact, and waited for him to pick up.

"Hey, is it okay if I don't come up and visit you today? I feel like shit." He asked through the phone. Cas would obviously say yes, but Dean just wanted him to know that he wasn't going to stop by and say hello.

He paused before responding. "What's wrong? Are you okay?" Cas' tone was concerned, and scared. When was the last time Cas sounded that afraid? The tone sounded familiar. When Dean was still sick.

"Yeah, angel, I'm good. Just a bad day." Dean comforted, not wanting to make Cas worry. That was the last thing he wanted.

Suddenly, the last thing he remembered was clicking the small red button on the bottom of his phone to hang out, when his arms fell against him and he passed out.


Dean woke up, the white lights bleeding through his eyelids. Why did he hurt so much? It was like a car ran him over, and just when he stood back up, it backed up and knocked him over again.

Safe and Sound (A Destiel AU) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now