Chapter X

287 17 15

Thursday, June 8, 2016

3 Weeks, 5 Days Left

"Dean Winchester." A familiar voice, one Dean really didn't want to hear, spoke from the doorway.

Dean turned around to face Crowley in the doorway. He was still in that familiar black suit, and holding a pile of paperwork.

"I thought you may be more interested in my deal with you." He said, holding the packet of paperwork. It was far away and Dean couldn't read the small print very well, but he already knew his answer.

"Hell no."

"Well, I had to at least try." Crowley said. His slight british accent was annoying as hell, Dean just wanted him to shut up.

"Yeah, no. That's going directly to Sam." Dean argued.

"I have to admit you're being an idiot, Dean."

"Shut the fuck up, I don't want any part of this." Dean said, and fell back, turning so his face hit the pillow.

"Well, I tried." Dean heard Crowley's voice, and then the click of the door closing. Dean rolled over and grabbed his phone, looking through the internet. There was worry in the back of his mind though. Would it really be the worst to live for another year, to live again?


It was late afternoon, around four, when Sam came in. His eyes were a little red, as if he had been crying.

"Sam, what happened to you?" Dean asked

"I...I haven't been...been able to afford rent recently. I was kicked out of my apartment." Sam said, standing near Dean, staring off into space.

"Oh, Sammy." Dean reached up to hug his baby brother, who turned to hug him back.

"I just, I don't know what I'm going to do." His voice was full of stress, and he sat down on the white covers of the bed. "And finals are soon, and now I'm homeless, and..." Sam trailed off, sounding increasingly more stressed.

"Sammy, it's okay, just, uhh, you could find a hotel for a few days until you can get a new apartment somewhere."

"I don't have enough money for more than three nights, Dean." Sam stressed. "I only have three hundred, especially since you quit work, and I don't have time to find a job between you being sick and finals, and then my internship.

"Uhh, I'm sorry." Dean apologized. He really didn't know what to say, honestly. No brotherly advice which he could give. There was a knock on the door, saved by the bell.

"May we come in?" Cas' voice said, muffled by the door. Dean looked over at the wooden door, and decided to let Sam decide.

"Sure." Sam said, and the door opened, Gabriel guiding Cas in his wheelchair.

"Sammy, what happened, you look like shit?" Gabriel asked.

"That was rude, Gabriel." Cas said, glaring up at his brother. Gabriel turned to Cas and shrugged.

"Sorry, just kinda upset, I guess I'm homeless now." Sam said, shrugging.

"You what?" Gabriel asked.

"Yeah, I haven't been able to afford rent recently." Sam admitted. He put his hand against his neck, and looked off to the side. He shrugged. "And my landlord got fed up with it."

"That sounds terrible, Sam." Cas said.

"You could live with me." Gabriel suggested. "Don't have any spare beds, but I'll take the couch if ya want." He shrugged. "Decent place, working kitchen and TV and all that fun stuff."

Safe and Sound (A Destiel AU) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now