Chapter XXII

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Have a very bad drawing, in honor of almost-completion of this book. You're welcome.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Cas, pressing one hand against the base of the window to help support him, used his free hand to try and open the window. It was one of the old windows, which had a little crank that you had to turn and open. It squeaked and creaked, which was odd, considering how much Cas opened the window. Instead of opening it only slightly, or only ninety degrees like normal, he opened it so it was at a hundred-forty-five degree angle from the base, out into the night air.

"So, what are we doing again?" Dean asked, looking

"Watch me." He paused, taking a deep breath of the night air. "I love the night. It's so quiet and peaceful." Almost ironically, the sound of a car alarm blared far off into the distance. "Sometimes, at least. You're not afraid of heights, right?" Cas asked, turning his head back at Dean.

"Planes, yes. Heights, nope." Dean confirmed.

"Good." Cas said, and lifted himself up onto the side of the window, so he sat on it, like a chair. He turned around so his feet, instead of facing into the room, faced outwards. "Come on up." He said, and smiled at Dean.

Dean hesitantly put one hand on the ledge, and then another. He picked himself up, almost reminding him of when he used crutches, before he got too sick to go out. He made sure he was steady, pressing an arm down on the wood to support them. "Is this going to hold us?" Dean asked. They were eighteen stories up on a slab of wood, so having concerns is probably the sane option.

"Gabriel danced up here once. He almost fell, but the wood stayed solid. Well, he did fall, but his boyfriend at the time grabbed his arm. He hates going out here now, though." Cas reassured, which was both calming and not. "That was a couple years ago, and it makes me nervous to go out here on my own, for said reasons."

Dean put an arm around Cas, pulling him close to him. "I'm not going to let you fall, I promise."

Cas smiled, and put an arm around Dean's waist, like he was silently saying the same.

Dean put his hand against the siding of the window, mostly to help hold himself steady, and smiled. The stars were quite nice tonight, and although it was usually hard to see them most nights, they were crystal clear.

"Dean?" Cas asked, stealing Dean's attention away from the night sky and towards the handsome blue-eyed boyfriend of his.

"Yeah?" Dean asked, waiting for Cas to respond.

"Well, once you get out of the hospital, you're still going to come visit me, right?" Cas asked, sounding a little uneasy, as if Dean wouldn't.

"No, Cas, I'm going to ditch you and forget all about the best boyfriend of my life," Dean responded, his voice filled to the brim with sarcasm. "Of course I'm going to come see you," He changed his tone to more sincere, "I'll come and at least say hello every day. Unless you get out of the hospital, of course. Then I won't even need to come here to say hello."

Cas smiled at Dean's response. Cas grabbed the pendant hanging around Dean's neck, and pulled him in, giving him a kiss. "I'd love that idea."

Dean smiled, and kissed him again, not letting go until he had to come up for air. The cool air blowed around and through his hair.

"We could find a place. Move in together for a couple months." Cas suggested. "Get a cat."

"I'm allergic." Dean said, which kind of ruined the moment a little.

"A dog, then. What would we call it?" Cas corrected himself.

"Well, if it was a cat, I'd call it Cat-stiel." Dean laughed at his own pun.

Cas rolled his eyes, hiding a smile. "I thought you said we couldn't get a cat." He reasoned. Damn Cas and his logical thinking.

"Well, I mean, if we could. Just imagine. Cat-stiel." Dean joked, making an arch with his arm, like a hand movement for 'Imagine it, it's an amazing idea.'

"Dogchester. I don't know." Cas offered.

Dean smiled. Cas was either super intelligent or barely making it work. It's a fifty-fifty chance. "Cat-stiel's better."

"You're just saying that because you came up with it, Dean." Cas argued. It was true, of course, but Dean wouldn't admit that.

"Aw, come on, you have to admit that it's clever." Dean protested. Cat-stiel. The greatest pun of all time, despite when he heard two people talking about a hole in the ground, and one of them said "That would cause a hole lot of trouble."

"How do I put up with you sometimes?" Cas asked, glaring at Dean.

"You know you love me." Dean reasoned. That's always a logical argument. Cas rolled his eyes, which Dean took that as a yes.

"We could get a hypoallergenic cat." Cas suggested.

"A hairless one?" Dean questioned.

"No, like a hypoallergenic dog, but a cat."

"So, a hairless cat."

"No, a cat with hair instead of fur. Like poodles."

"Poodles have hair?"

Stealing a glance at the stars, it still seemed unreal that Dean had a whole year ahead of him. Five weeks ago, he wouldn't have even imagined that possibility. A whole year to drive, to explore, to do things he couldn't do before, maybe even before the crash. A whole year to love. Was this love? Castiel Novak, the sick boy with the electric blue eyes. Just having him here, him leaning on Dean's shoulder made him calmer. Some would say so, others not.

Dean would say the latter. This certainly wasn't love, no. Love takes months, years, even. Dean had only known Cas for five weeks. This was only what was building up to love, the start of falling in love. But, it will be love soon, that much is easy to tell. As summer will draw to a close, leaving way to fall, Dean knows that he's going to fall deep into love. Soon he will be able to tell Cas "I love you," and it would be positively true.


Dean was doing well. I had hope that I would as well.

I was over the moon now. A whole year, I hadn't even thought of the consequences. I didn't think about when he will die, the fact that then, we won't have another backup system. But, for now, he was alive.

"All I want is to be safe and sound. And with you." It was true now for us. It was true. We were both safe and sound, and together. And I know for sure that it was the happiest I've ever been.

So, well, next chapter, then I'm done, I guess.

I hope all of you had fun reading this. Well, it is kind of sad in some places, so I hope you at least thought it was good. I'm honestly quite proud of this book, even though it hasn't really taken off that much yet. Thank you for reading Safe and Sound, and any advice you have on it, I'll gladly take. I'm probably going to edit it (again) after I'm finished.

Also, I did make that hole pun in real life. I still laugh about it, even though it was absolutely terrible.

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