Chapter III

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Dean was a bit rude when we first met, but then again, if you were dying in six weeks, you would be mad at everything as well. I, myself, was mad at the world when I was diagnosed.

We became fast friends in those first weeks, maybe because of how rushed everything in those weeks were, or maybe because we were just close. It's amazing how close we became in a few days. Maybe we weren't as close as I remember, and my mind may have confused the crush I had on him as being a good friend at the time.

Strangely, regretfully, at the time, I didn't want Dean to be okay, because I was scared that once he was better, he would leave, and just leave me alone again. It was extremely selfish, and I regret the thought ever crossing my mind. But I was scared to be alone, I was scared because I hadn't had a friend at all in those two years, the only person who ever talked to me was Gabriel and the occasional nurse.

But, then again, why would he, such a fun-loving, outgoing guy, talk to quiet, awkward me, if he wasn't hospitalized? Perhaps, maybe in some other universe, someone has the answer to that question.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

5 Weeks, 5 Days Left

Dean was sitting with Cas in his room room. Cas was listening to music and reading, and Dean was watching some of the first Unnatural episodes, some of the ones that they missed.

"Seriously? Wow. Two characters dead in the first episode." Dean said, after Jane's death. "This demon has a thing for blondes."

Cas chuckled at the comment. "Maybe it's because he can see their hair easier, with his yellow eyes." Dean laughed at Cas' logic.

"You two are so boring." Gabriel commented, carrying a Monopoly game, as he burst into the room. "Come on, Cassie. I wanted a rematch. And Dean can join us, too."

"Okay, sure." Dean was pretty good at Monopoly, as he and Sam used to play it while Dad was on long work trips. Good old days. Gabriel opened up the game board, and Cas helped set it up on top of the bed. Dean grabbed his favorite piece, the racecar, and placed it on Go.

They went around the gameboard, picking up their favorite places. Dean aimed for the oranges and yellows, they were the most profitable, despite what Gabriel and Cas thought.

Dean watched as Gabriel snacted up the lower properties, putting hotels on all of them instantly. "I see your strategy, Gabriel, but that won't bankrupt someone." He said.

"Not trying to bankrupt anyone, just weaken them." Gabriel said, tossing the dice in his hand.

"The purpose of the game is to bankrupt people, Gabriel. That's why I have a preference, the dark blue properties." Cas said, pointing out the flaws in his logic.

"So, Dean." Gabriel started. "What exactly are your intentions for my brother."

Dean paused for a second to swallow his water, in an attempt to not spit it everywhere. He looked over at Cas and he was as red as a tomato. "Huh?" Dean asked, finally.

"Well you two obviously like each other. So when are you're going to get over yourself and kiss him?" Gabriel asked, throwing his hands up, which made a couple Monopoly dollars fly out of his hands.

"I've only known Cas for a few days!" Dean protested.

"So?" Gabe laughed. "I've hooked up with someone within a day." He said, as if that was sound logic.

"I think what Dean means is that we are hoping to be good friends." Cas said, and took a sip of water.

"Ouch. Dean. You just got kicked right into the friendzone there bro." Gabriel said.

Safe and Sound (A Destiel AU) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now