Chapter XIV

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I wish I could tell you that it was all like my dream, that we knew we would be together for a long time. We didn't know that, but we were together anyway. It was for such a brief amount of time, I know, but I don't regret a minute of our time spent together.

I've been trying to find a word to capture his personality. He's stubborn, kind of sarcastic, and even though it makes him uncomfortable to talk about his emotions, he's definitely ruled by his heart over logic. But he's kind, he's optimistic, to the point where I can forget about the death date that may as well have been etched into his forehead. There's no word to wrap all of that in a small box.

He's just wonderful, and every breath that passes makes me miss him more and more. At least I had the time with him that I had. There could have always been a shorter amount of time, you never know what life's going to throw you.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016
2 Weeks, 4 Days Left

Dean heard a gentle knock on the door, probably Cas, followed by a yell, "Dean-o!", which obviously came from Gabriel. Dean really didn't even have to tell them to come inside, because they burst inside anyway. Cas was wearing his favorite tan trenchcoat, so that meant they were going somewhere.

Oh shit, right, Sam graduated today. He thought that Sam was going to tomorrow, but Dean remembered that he spent a majority of yesterday laying around, he was tired.

"I heard that you and Cassie here finally got together." Gabriel said, grabbing another lollipop out of his pockets.

"Yes, we did." Cas said, who wheeled over towards Dean. Dean gave Cas a quick kiss, who then smiled.

"When are you and Sam going to follow my lead?" Dean asked, poking a little fun at Gabriel. He glanced around nervously, looking from one wall to another, avoiding responding. The silence was hilarious for some reason.

"Anyway, you should probably get ready." Gabriel suggested, looking over at Dean, who was in his hospital gown, which probably wouldn't be the best thing to show up in.

"Alright, just leave first, I'm not changing in front of you." Dean told Gabriel, who shrugged and closed the door. Dean just noticed the white button-down shirt and pair of jeans laying on his bedside table, probably thanks to Sam. Dean grabbed his crutches and got out of bed, grabbing his clothes along the was

"It's okay, Dean, I won't look." Cas said. Dean was quickly reminded that Cas was asexual, so he probably wouldn't have any interest in looking at him naked. Then again, you never know. Either way, Dean didn't really care, so, leaning against the wall for support, he got changed out of his hospital clothes and into normal ones.


Dean, Gabriel, and Cas were sitting in their seats, waiting for a speech to start. They got a pretty good view, one of the only perks of not being able to walk. You got pre-reserved seats that were 99% of the time in the front row. Only problem is that Sam wouldn't sit down with them until after he gets the diploma, so they kept a seat open. Dean just decided to stick one of his legs out to make sure nobody sat there.

There was a long speech, as it's not a graduation ceremony without an obnoxiously long speech. Everyone knows that. The seat creaked whenever Dean moved, which resulted in a lot of creaking, because the speech alone took a while, and then all the names being called.

"Laverne Abbott" A blonde girl walked up and claimed her diploma.

"Victor Day" A guy walked up and grabbed his, exiting the stage as the next name was called.

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