Chapter XV

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Okay, since I've edited this, let me just update you since you probably don't feel like reading all of this over again. I changed all of the dates to a week later and rewrote the first chapters better. That's all.

Thursday, June 16, 2016
2 Weeks, 3 Days Left

Cas layed there, sleeping in the small gap in between Dean's chest and arm, using him as a pillow. Cas was quiet, aside from the soft breath in and out. The late morning light filtered through the window, not much light, but enough to see by. The light gray comforter was draped absentmindedly around them.

Two weeks and three days. That's...fourteen, and three, so seventeen. Seventeen days left together. He turned the piece of glass over in his hand, discomforted by the thought. The light passing through the glass left a small purple patch on Dean's face.

It was hard to describe the color of the small piece of glass. The easy thing would be to simply say indigo, however, it was more. It was the color the sky is at dusk, the deep blue with a hint of purple to it, or maybe the color of a blueberry, not quite blue or purple. Indigo is a quick and easy way to describe it, but it doesn't fully describe it, like how Cas' eyes aren't just sky blue. They're the light filtering through the curtains in the morning, the color of a teardrop, the soft blue of a small stream, the color of a cloudless day in May.

Dean looked at Cas, those magical blue eyes of his closed as he slept. Dean had stopped by here a few hours ago, but he and Cas ended up falling asleep together, and the nurses must not have had the heart to disturb them. The door opened as a brunette nurse —her name was Meg or something— walked inside, and was about to walk over to Cas, but she saw that he was sleeping. She smiled to herself, and muttered, "Clarence and his boyfriend are real cute together," and walked back outside, not noticing that Dean was awake.

He gave Cas a quick kiss on the nose, and layed back against the pillow, hoping that he wouldn't wake Cas up. But he saw Cas' blue eyes open, so his plan must not have worked.

"Good morning, Dean." Cas' voice was sleepy, and his hair was a mess. Dean ran his fingers through it, in an attempt to smooth it down, but it only made it worse. The bedhead hair was cute anyway.

"Mornin' Cas." Dean whispered to Cas, he had no reason to talk normally, as Cas was right next to him, and that's the only person who mattered right now.

Dean and Cas simply just layed there, tangled up in each other, faces inches apart, the only noise in the room was their breaths and the ceiling fan turning around and around in circles, a non stop loop forever.

"Dean." Cas said, interrupting the silence that filled the room.

"Yeah?" Dean looked up to Cas. They spoke softly, as if they were trying to not disturb anyone, although there was nobody there.

"May I see it?" Cas asked, pointing to the small piece of glass which Dean was twirling around his fingers.

"Sure, yeah." Dean handed it to Cas. Cas turned it over in his fingers, once, twice, and smiled to himself. Dean smiled at Cas, who was observing the piece of glass. He noticed a smudge on it, and wiped it off with the corner of the bedsheet.

"May I have it for a day?" Cas asked, which made Dean raise an eyebrow at his request.

"Sure, why?" Dean asked, then broke out into a coughing fit randomly.

"Are you okay?" Cas asked, and backed up so Dean could get a bit more space to breathe.

Dean pulled Cas back closer again. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Anyway, what do you need it for?" He asked.

Safe and Sound (A Destiel AU) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now