Chapter XVIII

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Monday, June 21, 2016
1 Week, 5 Days Left

Dean woke up, and felt like he slept forever. One of the nurses was doing something with his medicine. "What time is it?" He asked hoarsely, his eyes not adjusted to the light, making it hard to read the wall clock which was ticking away above the door.

"About five in the morning." She said, not looking up from her work.

"It's Sunday, right?" Dean asked. It's hard to keep track of time in the hospital, because aside from the clock, the only idea of time there was is either lights-are-on o' clock or lights-are-off o' clock.

"No, Monday. You slept almost all day yesterday." She responded, still not looking up.

"Son of a bitch." He said, a little too loud. That's another day he lost, another day he wouldn't regain. Dean remembered a little better now though, he had gotten up at around midday yesterday. He tried to watch TV, but fell asleep thirty minutes into an Unnatural episode. Dean grabbed his phone, determined to not let himself sleep away his last two weeks in, well, life.

He hadn't even noticed how much time had passed until he looked up to his door being opened by Sam. Wasn't it just eight thirty a couple minutes ago? A look back at his phone said otherwise, it was eleven.

"Hey, Sammy. How's it going?" Dean asked, and put his phone away, as Sam leaned against the door to his room. He was holding a plastic bag with something inside of it, and a soda bottle. He probably just stopped by the store.

"Pretty good. I got you pie." He said, and tossed Dean a plastic bag, which had pie in it. It crinkled as Dean opened it, and took the container of pie out. The bag smelled faintly like cinnamon, probably due to the pie in it.

"You're awesome." Dean tossed the plastic bag to the side, and opened the case, which had a small single-serving sized pie, that smelted freshly baked. He was ready to dig into the apple pie, when he realized something. "Where's the fork?"

"That would be in the plastic bag." Sam said, pointing to the white bag laying on the floor. Sam reached over and picked it up, handing the cheap black plastic fork to Dean. Dean smiled, and dug the fork into the pie, taking a bite of it, the cinnamon and apples tasting amazing. When even was the last time he had pie? Back before the crash, he used to have pie at least once a week on Friday afternoons. Friday was pie day.

"You must be hungry." Sam said, after Dean had wolfed down the entire mini apple pie in about three minutes.

"It's pie." Dean said, like that explained everything. Of course it explained everything, it's pie, how would someone not like it?

"I wish I could go up and visit Cas. My room's boring, and small." He complained. It was true, the same four walls of his room felt smaller than ever before, just confining him there, stuck there forever.

"You can, you just aren't allowed to leave the hospital." Sam pointed out.

"Awesome." Dean said. He put his pie container to the side, and tried to sit up, but fell back against the pillow with a thud. Thankfully, it wasn't like he was falling against concrete or something. Mattresses are a lot softer than concrete. "Not awesome." He muttered to himself as he hit the bed.

"Maybe you should just stay here today." Sam suggested. Dean, to be honest, didn't like tat advice, but it was true. He wouldn't be able to walk anywhere without , and even if he got a wheelchair, it'd be hard to get in and out of the wheelchair. "So, you're going to that internship soon, right?" Dean asked. He was terrible at small talk, even with his brother.

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