Chapter XXI

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Thursday, June 23, 2016
1 Week, 3 Days Left

The phone made a long beep, then another. Dean hoped that Cas wasn't asleep, or else this would be bad. The phone made another lengthy beep. Dammit, he should have told Cas earlier. Now, all he could do was hope it didn't go to voicemail. He fumbled with the glass pendant of the necklace while waiting for Cas to pick up

"Hello?" Cas' voice asked through the phone. He sounded kind of tired, and a little irritated.

Dean breathed a quick sigh of relief. He remembered why he called Cas, which made him nervous again. "Cas, I have something to tell you." Dean said, holding the phone up to his ear.

"It can't wait until morning?" He asked, then proceeded to yawn. The reception for guests in the hospital was bad, causing his voice to sound strange, like an old fuzzy recording.

"No." Dean responded. "Okay, so, uhh, I made a deal."

"" He asked, confused.

"Yeah. Some guy, british dude named Crowley, offered to give me another year of life." Dean informed Cas, who was probably tilting his head a little like he does when he is confused.

"Dean, that's, that's amazing!" He sounded like a weight had been taken off of his shoulders. Then, he sounded a little nervous. "I'm assuming he didn't do this out of the kindness of his heart?"

"Nope. After I die, he gets everything I own. Except the Impala, that's going straight to Sam." Dean said. "But, I mean, I just bought some time." He said, and laughed a bit at the joke.

"That's great, Dean." Cas said. Dean could almost see him smiling.

"I know. I just wanted to tell you, since I'm undergoing surgery to get the extra year in about—" Dean checked the clock "—five minutes. So, yeah. Next time you see me, I'm gonna be alive!" He told Cas.

Cas laughed a bit from happiness. "Alright, Dean. See you then."

Dean hung up, right as the doorknob twisted and opened. Crowley, wearing his familiar black suit and holding a clipboard walked in with a team of doctors behind him. "Dean Winchester." He greeted.

"Pleasure to see you too." Despite knowing that Crowley was going to give him another year, there was just something about him that Dean would never not despise.

He walked over to Dean. "Alright, sign here." Crowley stuck the clipboard out, a ballpoint pen tied to the clip with twine. 

Dean grabbed the pen, and signed everywhere there was a signature line, which, in the large packet of paper, felt like thirty times. He ended up shortening his signature from Dean Winchester, to D. Winchester, and by the end, it was just D.W. Doctors worked to change his IV's and give him shots as he signed. The needles didn't really bother him, by now he was used to people sticking needles in him.

A team of doctors grabbed the end of Dean's bed, and led him through the hallway. It was a random thought, but Dean had forgotten that these beds had wheels. His eyelids drooped and he was fast asleep as the cart rushed down the hallways.

 Friday, June 24, 2016

It was five PM when Dean awoke, according to the alarm clock on his bedside. He sat up, and blinked the exhaustion out of his eyes. The headache he had for seemingly forever had mysteriously disappeared. Every breath didn't feel like he had just ran a marathon. He hadn't felt this good, well, not since before the crash.

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