Chapter V

350 15 17

Sunday, May 29, 2016

5 Weeks, 2 Days Left

The four of them were wandering around downtown on a warm Sunday evening. They were trying to get outside while Dean could, until the last two weeks when he had to stay in the hospital. There was a light breeze, blowing the leaves on the trees around. They walked along the streets, listening to Gabriel's and Sam's conversation and the cars passing by on the streets.

"Anyway, yeah, after Dean, you know, I'm going to go away on an internship at that law firm out in Kansas City." Sam said.

"How long?" Gabriel asked.

"Three months." Sam said, resting his arm on Gabriel's shoulder. Gabriel usually complained, but he didn't seem to mind it.

"Oh." Gabriel's face fell, as if he was expecting a shorter amount of time, or perhaps hoping for.

They walked across the street, heading onto the next block. There was a pizza restaurant there, one that Dean recognized instantly. "Oh, I remember that place." He and Sam used to come here on birthdays, and get a large pizza. Dean had always gotten pepperoni and sausage on his pizza, and Sam only had one slice of pizza because he always filled up on garlic knots.

"Should we go there, then?" Cas asked, looking at the pizza place.

"They have the best garlic knots." Sam said.

Dean rolled his eyes. "Maybe I'd known that if you hadn't eaten all of them in five seconds every time we went there."

"Shut up." Sam said, opening the door so then Dean and Cas could enter. The four of them chose a table, near the fake ivy-covered brick wall.

"What can I get you for drinks?" asked a waiter as he set down the garlic knots, which Sam immediately reached for. Dean gave him a judging look and he shrugged.

After ordering drinks, Sam forcing Dean to have another water, they looked over the menu. "I say we get a plain cheese pizza." Sam suggested.

"Are you kidding, their sausage and pepperoni is the best." Dean argued.

"I agree with Sam. Cheese would be the best because we can't decide, since it is plain." Cas said.

"I think we should get pineapple," Gabriel suggested. The three of them glared at him, in a shared look of disgust.

"Lets just split the pizza. Half cheese, fourth sausage and pepperoni, and fourth...pineapple," Sam scrunched up his nose at the last part.

He stirred his drink. "Pineapple pizza is the best, Sammy. Just you try it."

"I'll pass." Sam decided.

The waitress set down the pizza, and they it was gone within the minute. It was as warm and delicious as it was always, tasting like birthdays with Uncle Bobby and Aunt Ellen.

"Do you like it?" Dean asked Cas through a mouthful of pizza. He nodded in reply, too polite to talk with pizza in his mouth.

Dean was absentmindedly stirring his drink with the straw when he realized that this would probably be his last time coming here, a realization like a tsunami over him. He looked at the rest of the pizza on my plate, and lost my appetite for it. It's been the last time for a lot of things recently.

"Dean, is that all you're going to eat?" Cas asked, sounding a little concerned.

"Yeah, I guess so." Dean said, looking at the bottom of his glass of water.

"Wow. Dean, with a loss of appetite? That's a new one." Sam said, grabbing another garlic knot, which Gabriel stole and took a bite of.

"Wow, Sam, letting someone steal your garlic knot? That's a new one." Dean retorted.

Safe and Sound (A Destiel AU) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now