Chapter XVI

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Saturday, June 18, 2016
2 Weeks, 1 Day Left

The door to his room opened with a loud creak, and Dean heard the last thing he wanted to hear today. "Hello, Dean Winchester. Pleasure to see you again."

"Please do us both a favor and fuck off." Dean complained, although his throat felt like it was burnt. But when he hears that insufferable British accent that belonged to Crowley, it's all he could say.

"I was just curious if you've rethought the deal. Only two weeks left, I've heard." He said, and every single word made Dean even more bitter.

"Nope." Dean said, but broke out coughing. Crowley smirked, like the coughing proved his point.

"You've gotten worse since the last time I saw you."

His sore throat made talking extremely difficult, so he flipped Crowley off, the nonverbal way of saying "Fuck you."

"Fine then, since you're so hesitant in accepting, I'll sweeten the deal for you. Your brother can keep that car of yours, but nothing else." He said, looking defeated, but hopeful that Dean will accept his offer now. The thought of Sam having the Impala tempted him, but Dean remembered all the rest of the money he was throwing away. Then he remembered Cas. Sweet, beautiful, wonderful Cas, who, if Dean got to spend just one more year with, wouldn't have his heart broken so soon. Maybe if the two of them had more time together, it could let them leave peacefully.

But then again, it seemed too good to be true. It wasn't going to happen. And, if anything, more time would lead to worse damage. So, he did the logical option. "Go to hell." Dean said hoarsely, to which, Crowley shrugged, and closed the door. Dean breathed a sigh of relief that Crowley was gone, no more dealing with him until the next time he decided to pop up out of nowhere again.


Fortunately, the nurses gave Dean some medicine, which was supposed to help, but, after thirty minutes, it had done absolutely nothing in helping his throat not feel like it's being stabbed by a flaming rusty knife. It would be nice to have an appetite right now, so he could have some food, which might help.

A knock on the wooden door signaled that Cas was here. The door being burst into told Dean that Gabriel and Sam were here as well.

"How you feeling?" Sam asked. Dean gave him a thumbs-up, then frowned and turned his thumb upside down. Sam chuckled to himself.

"Well, if it makes you feel better, we brought you a soda." Cas said, and wheeled over to Dean's bed to hand his boyfriend a plastic bottle of Coca-Cola.

Dean took the soda from Cas' hands. "Thanks, guys." Dean said, it was barely hearable. He gave Cas a kiss, and took the cap off of the soda bottle, and chugged at least a third of it. He would kill for a milkshake right now, but this was good enough. At least his throat wasn't brutally murdering him with a rusty knife anymore, just a light stabbing with a cleaner knife.

"So, since Gabriel seems to be the only one who ever has any idea what to do, what are we gonna do?" Sam asked.

"I don't know, I'm at a loss for ideas. You made me boring, moose." Gabriel said.

"Shut up." Sam said, and leaned on Gabriel, who looked like he was about to say "Make me," but his mouth remained closed.

"Well, if we aren't gonna do anything, might as well watch TV." Gabe suggested, after a brief silence, where the three of them that could talk didn't say anything. Dean had an excuse to not talk, at least. He turned his stained glass necklace over and back again, giving himself something to do.

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