Chapter IV

368 16 53

Friday, May 27, 2016

5 Weeks, 4 Days Left

Dean woke up to Gabriel, Sam, who didn't have classes on Fridays, and Cas, entering his room.

"Good morning Sleeping Beauty." Gabriel, who was leaning on the door, pointed at Dean with his lollipop.

"What are you all doing in here, watching me sleep?" Dean asked, then yawned.

"Well, we wanted to check on you." Sam replied. "And we just got here a minute ago."

"Okay then, but why are you still in my room? I'm obviously alive." Dean asked, and coughed.

"Well, Cas over here was bored, and Sam said that you were bored, and I have a good idea on what we can do today." Gabriel said, grabbed Cas' wheelchair, and wheeled Cas out of the room.

Dean was curious, but didn't ask. Sam helped Dean into his wheelchair and they followed. Gabriel hit the button for floor 15, which, as far as Dean knew, had no importance. Once the elevator doors opened, the four went all the way to the end of one of the hospital's long hallways.

"Now, this is what we do. Sammy and I-" Gabriel said, pointing at Sam. "-will be running you two down the hallway. Pass through floors 10 and 5, where you gotta to switch elevators since we're using the larger ones, and the first person out the front doors on floor 1 is the winner. Got it?"

Sam nodded. Dean was still confused. Cas looked excited, he's probably done this before.

A friend of Gabriel's was holding a stopwatch, the redheaded girl with the prosthetic arm from the group.

"Alrighty Charlie, we're ready!" Gabriel said, and grabbed onto Cas' wheelchair.

"Three, Two, One, Go!" She started the timer, and they took off. Dean kept in mind where the large elevators are, the other side of the hospital.

"Sam, we need to keep up with the Novaks, and when we hit that fork, go right." Dean whispered to him.

"Got it." The Winchesters passed the Novaks. The turn was coming up. "Which way again?"

"Dammit Sammy!" They continued straight forward. Dean leaned to the right, signalling to turn right, and they ran past the white rooms. He watched the lights reflecting on the tiles, and for a second it felt like he was a kid again, chasing the reflection of the lights on the tiles.
They approached another turn. Sam turned left, and kept running. They almost ran into a nurse, who looked oddly at them but shrugged and kept walking, as if this wasn't odd at all. The duo came up to a large elevator, which was already in use.

"Crap. They're ahead of us." Sam muttered under his breath. The doors opened up and they continued down a floor, onto floor 10. They waited, the elevator music breaking the silence.

As soon as the elevator doors opened, they ran out, determined to catch up with the Novaks.
They flew through the hallways, Sam running and Dean directing him.

"Turn left at the next exit." He joked, imitating a GPS.

"Shut up, Dean." They skirted around a corner, and barely missed an elderly man. They turned right and looked, as Cas and Gabriel were chasing after us. Dean saw Gabriel mutter something, likely cursing.

They ran into the elevator, and Sam jammed his fingers on the close button, and kept it shut until they reached the fifth floor.

They continued running, turning left and right, until they arrived at the final elevator, and started to head down.

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