Chapter XI

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Saturday, June 11, 2016
3 Weeks, 3 Days Left

Dean lounged around in his room, waiting to see if Sam decided to stop by to visit. He frowned, it was eleven, Sam said he'd be over here in ten an hour ago. He grabbed his phone off of the nightstand, and quickly texted Sam. "I'm up in Cas' room if you are still stopping by." He typed, hit the button to send, and shut his phone off, and started rolling out of bed. The lighting in his room gave him a headache, especially in the mornings, so he got out of his room as soon as possible.

He passed down the hallways, occasionally wheeling to the side when a nurse came by. He really wanted to go back to using the crutches, those were much better in his opinion. He'll have to ask a nurse about that, see if he could upgrade or something. He arrived at Cas' room, around five minutes later, it took quite a while to walk through all the hallways.

He knocked on the fake wooden door, then looked around the corridor nervously, glancing at the white wallpaper, and the rows and rows of other doors. There was a creak as the door opened, and he saw Cas, leaning against the door for support, his hospital gown put on a bit crookedly. He would have usually been in a wheelchair, but it takes forever to get in and out of that thing, just for answering the. "Hello, Dean." Cas said, and smiled at Dean.

Dean smiled back. "Hey Cas, what's up?" He asked, and Cas held the door open so Dean could wheel in. The room's lights were off with the window open, how Cas usually kept the lighting in his room.

"Not much, I've just been spending some alone time yesterday. I enjoy hanging out with you, but some days I prefer being alone, I'm quite introverted." Cas answered, and started trying to walk back to his bed, using the wall as support.

"I wouldn't know, I'm a people person." Dean said, then paused, hoping that Cas would tell him what that's called. "Insert fancy word for people person here, Cas." He said, after around thirty seconds of awkward silence.

"Oh, extroverted." Cas replied. He shook his head real quick, like trying to make himself focus. "People who get energy from others, not from being alone."

"Sounds accurate." Dean shrugged, and rested against the back of his wheelchair. The wheelchair moved back a little, scaring Dean and making him sit back up straight. Cas chuckled to himself at Dean, who frowned a little and looked to the side, trying not to show that he was embarrassed.

"Want to go on a walk?" Cas asked. "My health is usually a lot worse, so I'd love to go exploring while I'm feeling well enough to. It's a nice town here." He looked outside the window, overlooking the green grassy fields. It was a beautiful sunny day, much better than being stuck inside.

"Sure, why not, nothing to lose." Dean replied, and he started to leave.


"Where are we going, exactly?" Dean asked, after a while of walking down the street, probably around twenty minutes, taking turns every once in a while. They had made a bit of small talk, but other than that they were silent the entire way.

"I'm unsure, to be honest. I just want to hang out with you somewhere." Cas admitted. He gave Dean a half smile.

They passed by an old church, one that Dean wouldn't have thought twice of. It was at the end of the path and surrounded by trees, and he looked at the top of the steeple, seeing the old, rusted bell at the top. But there was something nice about it, something that for some strange reason comforted him.

He briefly remembered something. He and his mother were walking to a church, a toddler Dean was dressed up in a cute little button-down shirt. The church looked a bit like this one. Dean blinked in confusion, he usually didn't remember much about his mom.

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