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It was a cold winter's morning when Zach was wandering around at London's Oxford Street. The rain was running down like a stream of tears and soaked his cheeks. 

It was Zach's first day at work downtown at the national library of London and his anxiety was growing harder every step he took as approached his destination. Once he reached it he sighed and got into the enormous building with the three floors which was the library.

Zach was extremely happy he managed to take this job. His dream was to be a teacher, close to the kids and share his knowledge with them, but due to his financial difficulties, he never managed to enroll in a college. Being able to work at a library was something tremendously good for him since his life was an utter mess.

He waved nervously at the cashier who waved back and went to the bathrooms to change into his librarian uniform. Zach glanced at his figure in one of the mirrors that were in the bathroom. An exorbitantly slim guy was staring back at him with messy medium brown hair and a weak grin that slowly faded out.

Zach worked till 8 pm when his shift finished. He waved a goodbye at the other librarian and she did the same with a huge grin placed in her plump lips.

"Ugh.." he sighed once he noticed that it was still pouring outdoors. Zach held out his umbrella and sighed once again shaking his head. England, the only country it could rain from 10 am to 8 pm, he thought and got a taxi to go to his house.

He entered his house and then was when his one and only friend, Jesse, called him. "Are you coming to Oxford anytime soon?" Jesse asked him through his cell phone. 

"Um, I don't think I can, I got myself a job." Zach nervously answered and scratched his back head. 

"A job? What? When?" Jesse sounded surprised, he thought his little friend was never going to give in life again.

"As a librarian, since this morning." Jesse puffed probably thinking his friend was a geek but Zach didn't think so. Books can make you feel, see different images through their pages, learn a lot of stuff you weren't aware of before. Zach had the need to feel again, to cry or to be happy it didn't matter to him.

"As geeky as this is, I'm proud of you Zach, you are a fighter," Jesse said and Zach blushed. Jesse was the best reassurer ever and Zach only wanted to feel better. "Anyways, if you don't come to Oxford then I'll make sure I'm coming to London soon." 

"When?" Zach asked.

"Soon," Jesse replied in an obvious tone. "Ugh, I need to go now. See you later. Take care."

They hang up and Zach took a shower just to take away all the depression he's been overwhelmed with the last three years. Books were a nice company, but what about someone who would actually interact with you? He sighed for the hundred time that day and fall under the sheets of his comfortable bed. Sooner or later he was sleeping away another dull day off of him.

Author's Note:
This a little sad story, which only gets sadder. If you were willing to read something that could lit you up, I don't recommend reading it.
Thanks for reading, it helps a lot. 
~peace out.

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