s i x t e e n

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Stepping into hospital was a hard thing for Elvira especially when knowing that one of the reasons Zach attempted suicide was her.

She got into the main entrance and everybody looked at her. Of course! She's famous even though she hates it. "In which room is Zachary Abels? Elvira asked a nurse at the arrange desks.

"57c" The nurse answered without looking at Elvira who sighed with relief when this happened.

Her hands were shaking. You took the right decision. She kept thinking as her heart was overwhelmed with regret.

Elvira opened the door with the number 57c and saw Zach resting on a petite bed connected to mechanics. She sighed.

Zach's hands were red cause of the cuts. She looked at them deeper, one was slightly touching the vein. His face was pale, not the usual one. He seemed sick. He was slimmer than ever, he didn't eat at all.

What do I do now?

Zach slightly opened his eyes to see with his blurry after sleep vision, a puzzled Elvira standing right in front of him.

His feelings were mixed. "Hi... " he murmured, barely audible.

Elvira's eyes almost popped out. There's no coming back now. She frowned and sat next to him glancing at him angrily. "What is that? What are you doing here?"

Zach didn't bother responding, yet he asked something else. "Jesse told you to come?"

"Don't answer a question with another question it's rude!" Elvira angrily said.

Zach sighed. "I'm here because Jesse is my guardian angel."

"What happened to you? The once sad, shy and mysterious guy has disappeared." Elvira said pitying him.

"I lost everything. Did Jesse tell you?"

Elvira sighed. If he doesn't know about Jesse coming over her house then he probably won't know about the baby either. She nodded. "Zach do you need any help?"

Zach chuckled sarcastically. "No, I don't need anyone's help especially yours!"

Those words hurt her more than anything. She stood up ready to leave but Zach opened his mouth again. "Congratulations for the baby.. "

By that she went into his room again, her eyes watered, his eyes emotionless. "Congratulations for being a father. What would happen to our baby, if its dad died?"

Zach eyes filled with confusion. "But Antoine?"

"he's just a placebo. Something used to avoid the drama. " Elvira said and Zach was in a complete loss of words. "I hate being famous!" She didn't know what came over her but she opened up.

"Just like Jesse. Just like me. " Zach said.

"You are so lucky to have Jesse by your side."

Zach sighed. He was so unaware of the luck he had in his life named Jesse. Yes they were best friends but he never saw how deep is their friendship. They are not just two typical friends they are family.

" I brought you something." Elvira said and handed him a book making his whole face lit up.

"Paper town, John Green. Teen fiction? " he asked recognizing the best seller.

"You've read anything so why not a change?"

Yeah a change would be good.

"Thank you so much. I miss the company of the books." Zach said and weakly smiled at her who grinned.

"Zach we need to talk things out. When are you going out?" Elvira asked.

"This Friday."

The truth was that Zach never got over Elvira no matter how hard he tried to convince himself so. Even the incidents that brought him to hospital proved him wrong. He loves her and it is time to give himself a chance.

People like Zach need to get under a major change in their life to understand how important and worthy they truly are. Zach never knew and might never know how amazing he is but he is going to give himself a chance just for Elvira just for the baby.

+wow there are only four chapters till the end

thank you for keeping up with this story.this is the first i get to finish without losingmotivation ♥ Thank you so much ♥

baby blue // zach abelsWhere stories live. Discover now