t h r e e

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"Excuse me sir, any good recommendations, for me?" A lady around thirty asked Zach after browsing at the books that were on display. 

Zach had the intelligence to find books by the way they looked. He didn't dare to judge them though, everyone was special in their own way. "Gone with the wild. Romantic, pure and dramatic may I add. Just as nice as for someone with a kind soul." The lady grinned and Zach chuckled. It was as if the library was the only place he could raise his confidence. 

"And for me?" His headed twisted rapidly to look at the girl with the sweet caramel eyes. He felt his heart skip a bit. 

"I would recommend something classy, a little sappy you may say, but one of my favorites. Pride and prejudice. Classic, satire and a stereotype breaker." Zach calmly recommended and handed her the book. Their hands touched and Zach felt a small electro-shock running them. 

"Oh, yes. How come I missed that?" She giggled and Zach grinned at her. "I'm a bookworm and never had I read something as elegant as that. Thanks." 

"It's my job, you can go to the cashier or sit here a little bit to flip through the pages." She nodded and sat at the dim lighting of the table in the middle of the enormous first floor of the library. Zach stared at her all the time. It was as if she was coming out of one of the fairy tales he had read. "This is suitable for me, I'll come here often to get some expert advice from you.." she said and waited for Zach to tell her his name.

"Zach.." he shyly added and looked at the ground. 

"Elvira, it's a pleasure to see you again. I thought I wouldn't see you again after that rainy afternoon in the coffee shop. " She said in a happy tone and Zach's whole face lit up. Not only did he see her again but she also remembered him. 


Suitable for a girl coming out of a fairytale, waiting for her prince to come. 

Zach went back to his house and Jesse called him as if he knew his buddy just entered his house. "I'm a quarter away from your house and the weather is lovely, how come?" Jesse wondered and Zach smiled.

"I am happy too, man. You didn't tell me you were coming today so my house is kinda messy." Zach said and opened a tin can of food. 

"And by messy, you mean that a little bit of a dust has ducked out of the vacuum you do at least four times a day." Zach chuckled because Jesse knew him very well. 

After Zach eating the food from the tin can and fifteen minuted passed he heard a door knock. He unlocked it and found Jesse soaked by the sudden rain it occurred. "Boy, I'm the unluckiest person in the world," Jesse said and bro-hugged Zach. 

"How long are you going to stay?" Zach asked and opened another tin can for his friend to eat.

"I just came and you are looking forward to get rid of me already." Jesse chuckled and so did Zach. "I don't know two weeks or more." He added.

Zach's mind reminded Elvira, the sad but heart overwhelming girl he would give his kidney to know her better but he was a coward. "Hey, your whole face seems like it's turned into a beet." 

Zach snapped out of his thoughts and rubbed immensely his cheeks. "What are you talking about?" 

"You are blushing." Jesse declared and Zach shook his head. "Just tell it already you know you can't hide shit from me," Jesse added and Zach annoyingly rolled his eyes. 

"Nothing special. I just met  someone." Zach said.

Jesse hopped out of the couch and shook Zach by his shoulders. "Whom? When? Were you really not gonna tell me?" He asked and a huge grin was formed. 

"I tried but you couldn't let me." Jesse rolled his eyes. "Her name is Elvira and I met her like two weeks ago in a coffee shop. She was reading a book and caught my sight immediately." 

"How romantic, two geeks fall in love," Jesse uttered and crossed his hands together. 

Zach tittered his eyes and looked at Jesse with a little bit of jealousy. Jesse was tall, handsome, gifted with an incredibly good voice and the look of the dangerous man which was a magnet when it comes to girls. Zach in the other hand was very slim, not very tall with a plain face and his personality was really dull. Or else he thought...

Author's Note:
Aw:) Jesse is in...
I know I said in chapter one that it is going to be really sad and trust me it is. 
Zach is like a really timid small human being he needs a hug. 
Loveee you
playlist really soft and sad cause this story is it.
~peace out!

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