n i n t e e n

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Six Months Later.

"This must be it." Elvira said and pointed at a house with view under the sea.

"Golden Sand it is." I said giggling and kissed her cheek.

"Oh Zach I love it!" She said and jumped into my embrace hopping up like a 5 year old would.

I kissed her tummy waiting impatiently for my baby boy to get out.

"So Mr. Abels are you ready to give me some tonight?" She asked licking her lips and biting them. It was the hormones I guess.

"Ms. Palmer yet to be Mrs. Abels I have to tell you to be a good girl." I kissed her nose.

"The principal informed me that your book is an absolute stunner, it reached first in France within the first week." Elvira informed but she was wrong at one thing.

"Love it's your book not mines."

"You wrote it." She snapped at me. I puffed and sighed shrugging my shoulders.

Jesse was with us in Cali touring his newest album called I love you. along with a mixtape we wrote together with the name black & white.

He hadn't find  happiness but none can find it utterly except a few lucky ones which I am in.

We didn't hang out a lot because he was always busy with the tours and meet and greets since his single "Sweater Weather" had blown all around the world and I kinda missed him. But he obviously would never know that.

My phone buzzed and Jesse was calling.

"Hey mate." I greeted him.

"Do you guys have plans for tonight?" Jesse asked and I smirked to myself. "Except from you know what..." Jesse said as if he had sensed my smirk.


"Alright then you have now."


"From when is Jesse fond of fancy restaurants?" Elvira asked me as we entered a French restaurant whose air was valuable as well as the rest. There was a chandelier and golden candles on it. A red carpet was going down from some stairs for some other floors the restaurant had.

"I don't know, he isn't himself lately." I shrugged and Elvira smiled at me even though I didn't mean my statement in a good way.

"Zach!" A familiar voice said and Jesse waved at us.

Me and Elvira sat at the table and Jesse was always smiling at us. "Someone's happy." Elvira pointed out and Jesse nodded.

"Guess who's you new neighbor." Jesse said and smirked.

"No way!" I said and cracked a huge smile at the good news.

"I decided to move in Cali with you and found a good offer at the house next to you." Jesse explained and we listened him carefully. "Also I wanted to make a toast." he added and he held the glass filled with champagne on the air. "To a brand new life."

"To a brand new life." Elvira said raising her glass of  water she ordered due to her pregnancy as well.

A brand new life is the ideal life for someone like me. Someone who once commited a crime, the one who never felt guilts for it. The one who can't control his anger. The one that doesn't deserve to be happy.

Elvira suddenly dropped the water all over her tummy and bend forward in pain. Her dress was also wet in the bottom of it and she was yelling. "Zach! You are becoming a father!" Jesse yelled and the rest of the restaurant looked at us.

"I know! What should I do?" I asked Jesse who shrugged. I was paniking and my hands were shaking. I have stood up from my chair and my whole body was shaking.

"Call an ambulance idiot..." Elvira mouthed out of breath due to her pain.


I was pacing back and forth and was biting my nails. I hated this scent. The scent of death and agony.

Jesse was humming about someone whose name was Dave.

"How can you be so calm?" I asked him offended by his impassivity.

"I am not, I try to calm myself down."

A door opened. The door in which Elvira was getting our baby out of her vagina. "Mr. Abels right?" the nurse who came out of the door asked me and I nodded. "Come with me, ms. Palmer wants you with her."

I entered the hospital room and my hands were shaking.

I wanted to faint as soon as I saw her yelling in pain. Her feet were open and a small head was coming. "Hold my hand mother**ker." she oerdered and I did as told.

She was holding my hand so tightly from the cuts that I started bleeding. I wanted to vomit and cry as well by hearing her pain.

"Please get it out already." she yelled and I nodded showing my agreement.

"You need to push honey, everything is going fine." The nurse said and reassured her.

After five punishing minutes Elvira was holding a baby in her embrace and I couldn't feel more happy in my life.

This is the best thing I have ever seen or will ever see. And that's the moment I want to remember for the rest of my life.

baby blue // zach abelsWhere stories live. Discover now