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"Who is that guy kissing the famous author with her first book being all over Europe and America? Does that mean that Antoine and Elvira are over?"

Elvira turned off her TV really annoyed of the paparazzi that shot her and Zach kissing, who just came out of the bath with a single tower around his member and that made Elvira blushing hardly and being like a tomato. "I guess we will never really calm down." He said and she frowned.

"I don't care Zach. Antoine and I were old news anyway." Elvira said and rolled her eyes after crossing her arms.

"That's why I love you, because you put me over a billionaire and your luxury life." Zach said and pecked her lips.

"I would put you over anyone, and I hated that home anyways." Elvira said and rolled her eyes with such an annoyance.

Zach climbed on her couch and put his head on her lap. "What's the next book?" He asked her looking at the ceiling.

"I will make a colors' collection so, I don't know. Dark red, pastel pink. I have to hand them another book till the end of the year." She said and played with his hair which he cut a month earlier.

"You know I've written something but never really wanted to publish it. I hate fame." Zach said while sitting up and looking at her caramel eyes.

"Really? Can I read it? What's about?" Elvira asked with enthusiasm evident on her voice.

"You can. It's actually a thriller, surprising I know but I couldn't write a love story even though the amount of which I have read. Jesse read it. He said it was the best book he had ever read but he really doesn't read so.. " He was cut off by her kissing him on the lips.

"It sounds perfect, but are you sure you want me to take your job pretending it's mine?"

Zach kissed her tummy and sent her a warm smile. "A hundred per cent sure."

Elvira read his book and made some spelling correction and added more imagination into it. Zach was good. In fact he was better than her. She read it overnight and that caused her to wake up with black circles underneath her eyes.

"How did you find it? Lame huh?" Zach asked as they were into the blue pastel cafe they both love. He tapped nervously his fingers waiting for an answer.

"I loved it, Jesse has a taste in books. I read it overnight. It's just amazing. Are you sure you..?"

"Yes Elvira I am. I hate fame, if I wanted to be famous I would have agreed making a band with Jesse and three of his friends and call it something like the Neighbourhood but I hated the idea of everybody staring at me and knowing everything about me." Zach explained and took a sip from his coffee.


Elvira went to the company she was working at. "I am here to give another of my books." She told the receptionist.

"Oh dear Palmer, please come into my office!" the principal of the publishing house told her offering a seat after overhearing her short conversation with the receptionist.

She sat down and crossed her hands ready to take part in a business conversation. "I wrote it. A new best seller. It's gonna be the book of the year. " she felt anxious.

For the first time in her whole life Elvira Palmer was lying to he boss. She hated lies but when things couldn't turn out other ways she had to use them.

She sighed when she remembered she had lied to Zach about the book and how less the could have suffered if she told otherwise. But somethings are meant to happen the ways they happen. If they were in a healthy relationship Elvira would have never being pregnant and Zach would get bored of her insecurities.

The principal grinned widely snapping her out of her thoughts. "Name?"

"When the black sky fell. I want to give though my regards to Zach Abels for helping me finish the book." She said and crossed her arms to look prestigious.

"I'll read and if I like it you'll see it in every news stands, every bookshelf of bookstores in Europe, America and Asia" The officer informed her and they arranged some beforehand details.


"I miss America." Jesse stated and took a sip of his beer after having tapped the shoulder of his friend Zach.

"Man the weather here is shit." Zach said and Jesse looked at him in shock because Zach rarely ever cursed.

"Rain is poetic you Shakespeare wannabe." Jesse said and they both chuckled. "By the way what are you going to do with the job?"

"They got a new guy name Luke Lemmings or something relevant." Zach explained and like the ground, his hands playing with the hem of his shirt.

"I wish we could go to California. We would never go back to rainy London."

"I will miss London" Zach said but actually craved the idea of golden sand under his toes.

+thanks for reading ❤️

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