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Elvira entered Zach's house. He was dressed with a tuxedo and she had a red dress with cleavage. "Wow."

"You walk in beauty, like the night of cloudless climes and starry skies, and all that's best of dark and bright, meet in her aspect and her eyes, she walks in beauty by George Gordon Byron." Zach recited and lead her to the dinning table. It was decorated by candles and rose petals. "You look as if you have walked out of a fairytale Elvira. Am I the prince for you?"

"Definitely." Elvira replied without hesitating to think for a second. 

"Then, you'll want to be by my side even after when I tell you about me?" Zach blushed but it didn't bother him right now, he had taken the hard decision to face his past up to her. She nodded and Zach didn't wait any longer. "Violence a word made up from erudite  to describe the person's actions towards another people or animals. Violence has two sides one that is shown to the person that acts with that. They feel superior, strong, wanted. And the other to the logical ones. It just underestimates your IQ because this should be the one you should develop and not your physical strength. After all after the heart the brain is the most important organ in your body." 

Elvira listened really carefully. She wasn't sure where he was taking it but she had yet to learn. "Love is like life. Hard to obtain hard to maintain hard to deepen. Some people use violence to obtain love. And there goes my father he used physical and verbal violence towards my mother, which had abused her in front of my eyes for first time when I was fifteen. When I turned 20 I couldn't take it anymore and decided to show him my inner strength." Zach explained the rest of the story and Elvira listened as if it was the lecture of her life and maybe it was.

When Zach finished talking, Elvira felt mixed emotions. She felt pity for Zach as he always was the victim of the stories but she also thought they shouldn't kill his father. "You shouldn't kill him."

"I know, it's hard to blame Jesse because if I had acted earlier he might have been still alive. The truth is that I didn't want him to survive. Ironic much, he died the same way he killed my mom. Lack of air. The further was lodged in his throat so basically that was the reason he died and not Jesse or me or the pillow." Zach stopped talking. "You wanted to know more about me and this is all I have to offer you Elvira."

Elvira shook her head and held Zach's hand. "Zach I'm confused."

These words echoed to Zach's ear like someone hearing sorry your relative died. He gulped and asked for her to explain. "I didn't know that you would be able to do something like this. You even sound like you wanted him dead."

The truth was that Zach wanted him dead ever since he turned fifteen. "He was sexually, physically and mentally harassing my mother. He killed her right in front of my eyes. Am I supposed to act sad that he died?" Zach said as he hit the table with force making Elvira jump in.

"He didn't just die, you killed him" she said and he clenched his fist.

"No one, not even you knows what my mother and I have dealed when he was alive. You can't understand, no one can." Zach said looking elsewhere but her eyes. 

Elvira felt sad for upsetting him. She tried to calm him by rubbing his back but he pushed her hands away from him. "It's okay, Zach! I'm by your side."

no you aren't.

" I love you."

no you don't.

"🎵you say that you love me but you act like you don't 🎵 " and by singing her that she left him behind.

thanks for 150 reads ♥
vote if you like because it gives me motivation ☼
have a fantastic day sweethearts ♥

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