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Zach had a day out after working for three weeks at the library. He fell in love with his job and all the people he would help out in it. People willing to spend their time reading were Zach's best friends without having to say anything to them. 

He decided to go out to a small coffee shop, near his house. It was painted with a pastel blue color and had blue neon signs as decorations around it. The smell of coffee pierced his lungs and a huge grin was formed on his lips. Zach gave his order and took out his favorite book to read while enjoying the chill music coming out from an audio. 

Zach glanced at a young lady when he was ready to take another sip of his hot coffee. She had long wavy brown hair and a pair of caramel eyes. She was holding a book and a tea with the other hand which she took a sip of. She shook her head and their eyes locked. Zach blushed and looked away, trying to continued reading but he was disturbed by her caramel eyes. 

Zach recognized the song that was playing and started singing slowly to the chill beat of the song. The young lady was doing the same but this time she was gazing out of the window, at the rain who was pouring. She turned her head and looked back at Zach. "Isn't it ironic, that the weather suits both of our moods?" She asked and with that, she stood up and left him there blinking trying to understand what she said.

Zach had a trouble meeting new people. He was afraid of rejection and lacked trust towards other people and that was one of the main reasons he was only stuck with Jesse and no one else. It seemed as if Jesse was the only one who could respect his silence and not make a fool of himself. 

He sighed, stood up and walked out of the coffee shop. 

Zach opened the door to enter his house which was tidy and smelled like lavender as always. He hated mess and frenzy. If only his life was as organized as himself is. He grabbed his phone and dialed Jesse's phone number. After a couple of seconds, Jesse picked it up and with his regular calm and happy tone he said "Hey, mate. What's up?"

"Nothing, really it's been three weeks since I last heard your voice and I wanted to know if you are okay," Zach said without stuttering for once. 

"Oh, thanks. I'm fine, I think I'll come to London by the end of the next week. In case you don't mind, can I stay at your place?" Jesse asked and Zach rolled his eyes.

"Of course, remember my house is like yours." Jesse chuckled and after a good one hour talking about nothing really they hang up. 

Zach got into the shower and he thought about this girl or the young lady. The pair of caramel eyes couldn't escape his mind. It was like novels but more romantic and sad. The main character falls in love at first sight, but Zach was a realist, he wouldn't fall so easy for someone who was as a mess as he was. He needed someone stronger, like a female version of Jesse. 

By that, he finished shower and slept the night away, slightly grinning.

Author's Note:
Zach is such a sweetheart. 
Thanks for reading :)

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