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Jesse washed his face and without hurrying he went to the front door which was knocked by someone. He unlocked it and yawned. Elvira was seen. "Zach's not here." Jesse boringly stated.

"I want to talk with you." Jesse felt strangely but he let her in anyways. 

"Do you want coffee?" He asked her while heading towards the kitchen to make some coffee for himself. 

"No, thank you." Jesse came in holding a mug full of hot coffee. He was wearing sponge Bob pajamas and Elvira couldn't help but giggle. "Oh come on, sponge Bob is always in no matter how old you are.." Jesse stated and chuckled. "So, why did you come here, if not for Zach?" 

"I'm actually here for Zach, um.. I care about him." Elvira shyly said and looked at the ground while blushing. 

"Then?" Jesse asked and took a sip of his coffee. 

"Then, I want you to tell me a bit about him, he isn't willing to do so and I really want to know why he's always sad and angry when we are talking about his parents. Not gossip I swear just interest." Elvira said and smiled weakly. Jesse would probably deny telling her as Zach was his best friend.

"Zach has suffered a lot. You know both of his parents are dead right?" Elvira nodded. "Well his father killed his mother but one week later he was found dead. Zach implied that he committed suicide but the authorities claimed that he's been killed. The examined the case better and found out that..."

- 3 years ago -

"Mr. Abels,  please follow us to the police station." One of the five police officers said when they violently entered Zach's house.

He was sitting in his chair, staring blankly at nowhere really. All he did was breathing and sleeping every once in a while. All he did was just existing.

The police officers were worried because of the youngster's reaction. "Mr. Abels,  can you hear us?" the only woman in this team asked and approached him slowly.

He didn't even blink. "Guys take him, but please be careful he might react impulsively." They grabbed him from his arms and lead him to the police car.

In the way to the station he didn't do anything. Zach only breathed as if he was shot in the back head and had survived but only existed. The woman made a movement and touched his forehead. He had fiber. She felt sad about him he didn't react no matter what was happening.

After a couple of seconds he was in front of the police header slowly breathing. "Mr. Abels,  we are informed about your mother's death caused of your father in front of your eyes. A week later your father is found dead and you implied that he committed suicide in front of your eyes as well."

Zach stared blankly at the header and weakly nodded. He was still alive. "We examined your father's  dead body and we found out the cause of his death. Suffocation and a white feather in the inside of his throat." The header showed Zach a photo of his neck's anatomy.

"Did you kill your father?"

"No. I would love to but I didn't. I swear, if I were his murderer I would have strain all his blood out of his body. I am a good person at least I have been told I am. I would not murder anyone and by anyone I mean anyone. I believe in the good inside of every human being. Even Hitler was faithful to his wife, no matter he killed two million people. My father killed, disrespect and exploited two human beings. Yes, I may add if you let me that revenge is a sweet plate but no! I wouldn't give him the happiness to let him make me sad even afterlife." Zach said and went back to his dead-live state.

"You can't seriously compare Hitler to your father, sir." The header believed the youngster's words but he was really curious about what he said.

"No I'm not. Because father wasn't a psychopath."

- back to now -

"none really knows who killed Gregory Abels or if he intentionally swallowed a feather to put Zach in jail, but I'm a 100 per cent positive Zach isn't guilty." Jesse finished talking and Elvira looked at her palms.

"He seems to have suffered a lot." Elvira added and drunk a bit of the water Jesse had brought to her while he was telling the story.

"Indeed, but I'm afraid this is the only things I feel like you should know from me." Jesse said and Elvira nodded shaking her head. Jesse was a true friend and Zach was a lucky guy he had him in his life.

"Thank you... "

"Please don't let Zach go, not until he finds his self again and be like before. " Jesse cut her off and Elvira smiled. It seemed impossible to let go of this interesting, charming, mysterious, shy guy. The more she learnt about him, the more she felt attracted to him.

thanks for reading, and also thank you for 100 reads ♥♥
hope you like this chapter :) 

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