n i n e

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- 3 years ago -


"Fuck! Leave us alone!" I yelled to the monster standing in front of me who liked to call himself my father. He was drunk once again and probably out with some of his girls. Sometimes I wonder how can a person like him attract women, who are considered as smart creatures.

Gregory, my father, laughed sarcastically and ended his burst with a loud snort. "Why? What are you going to do? You are the reason we cannot walk in this place with our heads up!"

"Gregory, please! It's all in your imagination! Everyone loves Zach, you know that!" My mother yelled at him a neighbor came out of his house and gazed at our room. I shook my hand but in vain as they didn't reach out to help us. "You are just jealous because I love Zach more than you. Because he's gentle and I would never leave him alone, unlikely you!"

He hit her. My mother laid on the floor, her nose bleeding and both of my hands shaking unable to do a movement. "Apologize, pathetic creature!" He ordered.

"No! I would never apologize for fucking finally telling the truth in your damn face like it is!" My mother said still laying on the floor with her hands trying to stop the bloodstream which was floating from her nose.

He kicked her. "Zach leave!" my mother yelled but it was too late. The monster grabbed her from the head and threw her to the wall, she fainted. After that he lead her to the bathroom in where he took the least bit of her life out  by drowning her to the toilet.

I was lifeless, weak, pathetic. Dead.


- one week later -

"Jesse, I don't want to be here." I said but Jesse didn't give a crap about anything as always.

"Come on, Zach you have to talk with him! He's been making your life a mess ever since he killed your mother."

"What if he does anything to you too? I can't take any more deaths." I asked but Jesse stepped into my old house anyways.

We headed towards his bedroom, he was sleeping, probably after having drunk his liver out. Jesse grabbed a vase and threw it on the floor. Both the monster and I jumped in by the sudden movement he made. "What are you doing here, asshole?"

"Said who!" Jesse said. "You have five minutes to exit this house, otherwise I'm afraid you have to be thrown away!"

"Jesse! Let him stay! I don't want to be in this place anyways!" I said with my voice cracking.

"That's right listen to the faggot, you wanna-be prick." Monster said and I punched his nose making it bleed. He passed away.

"Wow, he pretended to be strong, didn't he?"

"Jesse I have a bad feeling, let's leave!"

"Stop acting like a girl. And help me carry this bastard out of your house." Jesse said and I approached the monster's side but he hadn't fainted he just pretended as if. He grabbed me from the neck and tried to suffocate the air out of me but Jesse had another plan.

Jesse took a pillow and put it in his mouth and nose. After a couple of seconds which for me was like slowly drifting to hell, I felt his grip loosen and I was finaly able to breath. "Okay, stop Jesse I'm free." Jesse didn't move. He goggled his eyes to where my father was sitting at. "Jesse, stop!" I yelled the moves my father made were starting to be weaken. "Jesse!" I screamed. He had blacked out. I slapped him and he snapped back to reality but it was too late already. The monster was dead.

Jesse was staring blankly at the dead body of my father. I didn't feel bad for killing him but for Jesse. He was surely going to jail. He hoped in and pulled my father out of the bed he was laying dead. He made a noose out of rope and placed my father there to look like he commited suicide.

After that we both cried and promised we won't leave each other's side nor we will say what happened.

I decided not to talk with anyone again. My insecurities grew more and I felt like an ant into a swiming pool. I don't have money to enter the college anymore. Books, the last thing that hadn't changed in this world. The last thing that could make me feel, or to give me motivation.

okay so idk.. wow. 
thank you for reading this story.
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um i'll probably update again in 5 days idk i don't
have an update route or something.
send you popcorn and chocolates ♥

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