t h i r t e e n

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"I tried to love you baby in every way, every way.
I tried to satisfy you honey but you wouldn't stay."

"Alright Jesse that's good for now, see you tomorrow." Jesse's stomach was thick as a stone feeling his heart aching.

Zach clapped encouraging his best friend. Jesse sadly smiled at him and then looked away. Jesse always seemed off lately. He was supposed to return to Oxford the previous month but never did.

"Thanks Zach." Jesse said his voice being barely audible.

"It's nothing Jesse." Zach said while they were walking to the bus station.

The TV inside the bus was open and Jesse poked him to look at it. Elvira Palmer, the young author counting her first best seller baby blue. Zach rolled his eyes looking at the girl he once loved after three months.

"You can ask her to give you some percentage of her money" Jesse said and Zach looked at him narrowing his eyes.

"Everyone is asking for her book in the library. One costumer even told me his review on it." Zach bitterly said. "Andrew might have gone through a lot but he and Leslie shouldn't have killed his father." Zach recited his words crossing his arms and leaning into the metal bar of the bus.

"Why am I a girl?" Jesse asked offended. They both laughed and the people around them looked them weirdly. "Oh she's into some real shit man." Jesse said pointing at the TV screen.

Elvira Palmer is told to be pregnant by her recent boyfriend Antoine Deroget.

Zach was aware of Elvira's newest relationship but yet felt betrayed. "It's her problem dude." Zach uttered.

They reached Zach's home finding peace.

Zach locked himself in the bathroom saying he's gonna have a shower.

In fact he just wanted to cry. You completely messed with your life.

He looked in the figure the mirror formed. Whenever he looked a word would come in his mind. Pathetic.

Zach punched the mirror with all of his strength making it broke into a million pieces just like what he did with Elvira's heart. He yelled in pain and fell in the ground.

Jesse heard something breaking in the inside of the bathroom. "Zach? Zach are you okay?" No response. "Zach open the door." no response. "open the motherfucking door." he yelled and pushed the locked door which he broke.

Shock overwhelmed him. Zach was laying in the floor almost live less. "Zach!" he said and slapped multiple times his face.

Zach stood up feeling his head a mess as well as his hand. "I'm okay Jesse."

No I'm not

"No you aren't.. "

+short sorry
i aint sorry. :3
double update cuz
idk when update
again i am a busy gurl
ThX 4 reading LOVES

baby blue // zach abelsWhere stories live. Discover now