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Zach walked into the blue pastel cafeteria waiting for Elvira. They had arranged another date, which he asked her out by the way, three days after the first one.

Elvira came into tight blue jeans, a black crop top and some high heels always dressed on the nines. "Sorry if I'm late, I couldn't find a taxi." Elvira apologised but Zach cut her off by putting his finger in her lips. Elvira blushed and felt goosebumps.

"No need to apologize, you are here now." Zach reassured her and gently took his hand out of her lips. Confidence, surprise her, confidence, surprise her. He kept repeating Jesse's word to his head. Luckily enough he wasn't that inexperienced because of all the stuff he had read in books. "Where are you working at?" He asked her, as he had to keep the conversation floating.

"I'm studying philology. That's why I have a lot of free time and I'm impressed by art." Zach shot her a surprised gaze. "Literally, everything is art for me. Especially rainy days like this. That's why I chose England for a place to live." She added and took a sip of her juice.

"That means you are from another country, right?" Elvira nodded. "Where are you from?" He asked his interest on her growing rapidly.

"I am from France. Are you a native?" Elvira asked and Zach felt his heart pounding rapidly .

"Well, I'm indeed British and English but I was born in Oxford not in London. But I guess it's the same thing." Zach replied and stuttered a bit when saying Oxford.

"How did you choose to leave Oxford?"

"After my parents' death I needed to change the environment because the memories where rushing into my head. They still are." Zach said and blacked out as a memory flashed back to his head.

- 8 years ago -

"Mom, you are hurting my grip." The fifteen years old teenager said while his mother was holding his grip tightly and packing up as fast as possible their things.

They boy has counted the times they had to rush out of their own house cause of him. Five already this year.

"Please, let go it's bleeding." The boy pleaded but his mother wasn't really listening. In her head she only had the words leave, protect your son, show dignity.

"My beloved and dearest boy. Things get crashed down as time passes by. There are so many things mommy cannot explain. Not because you are stupid, we all know that you are not, but because mommy doesn't want you to blame yourself." His mother said and kissed her son's forehead.

The door unlocked and the woman jumped in. Agitation overwhelmed and chills were sent on her spine. She heard the familiar footsteps and she knew she had to deal with a lot of suffering, more than the usual cause of her intention to leave the man who was now standing in front of her behind.

The man was holding a beer and a knife in the other hand. "Strip your dress down." He ordered and so did she.

- back to now -

"Zach, you seem to always darken when you talk about your parents." Elvira stated and Zach got angry by that statement.

"They are dead, how am I supposed to act?" He said with a slightly raised voice than usually.

Elvira felt badly for getting too much into his personal life and rapidly. Yes, Zach was a sweet, shy and kind guy but he also was really defending about himself that's the main reason he doesn't talk to anybody except from Jesse. Bingo!

If she wanted to know Zach better without him getting angry, she had to talk to Jesse. "You are right, Zach I'm sorry." She leaned on his shoulder.

Zach's anger was an old story. He now felt as if he had to protect Elvira in all costs. He placed his head in top of hers which was leaning in his shoulder and they watched out of the window the rain. Yes it always rains.

Elvira sighed and tangled her fingers with Zach's. She moved her head and looked into his brown eyes which were lighting like hell. Zach wanted to kiss her. He put his index finger in her cheek which was hot. Elvira twisted her head craving more than anything to kiss Zach right now. He came closer to her face and with a simple move he crashed his lips with hers. Elvira was fast to respond and kissed him back immediately. She then placed her hands in his back head.

After Zach pulling away the stayed in silence still watching the rain but embraced in one. He felt beautifully, happy. She felt happy and in love.

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