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It was a sunny morning and Zach was feeling all the coldness getting out of his chest. He wore a hooded sweater and black skinny jeans along with a white beanie. He was going to meet up with Elvira to get a piercing in his day off.

Zach wanted to change himself to make him look different from his sad and blue self. He wanted to be dynamic like the red and happy Jesse.

They met up at the park and he offered her a bouquet of red roses. "This is for you. You mean a lot to me. And it takes guts for having me to admit something so big like that." Zach said.

Elvira shot him a meticulous gaze. He had gained some weight which meant he was eating properly. He had shaved all the facial hair that hide his baby face and had put some clothes he seemed to be wearing quite a long ago. "Zach, you are such a sweetheart. I am so lucky to having found you." Elvira kissed him and he lifted off the ground.

They pulled away and Elvira admired her man for his strength. "Don't look me like that I used to lift weights when I was heavier." He said and chuckled.

"I'm reading a new book by the way." Elvira said. "A romantic novel about a woman and a man that loved each other but couldn't be together because of his mental illness which get increased as the time passes."

"Wow,  when you finish it, please hand it to me." Zach asked and Elvira grinned.

"You'll have to earn it." She teased him. Zach laughed and kissed her. "You can have it now."

They walked and hoped inside her car. Elvira drove them to the tattoo center.

After Zach did his nose piercing and Elvira the septum they sat in a cafeteria to drink something. "the septum really flatters your characteristics." Zach complimented her.

"You look handsome whatever you do." Elvira said back. Zach touched her back and with his other hand he got her closer to his body. He felt as if he had a diamond in his embrace, and maybe Elvira was his diamond. 

"Zach..." Elvira whispered his name and he felt butterflies running down his spine. 

"Yeah.." Zach stated full of confidence as if he knew what he was about to hear would be the world's best thing.

She removed his hands from her just to look at his eyes. Elvira was shy but she was sure that this guy was the one for her. "Make love to me."

Zach's heart pounded fastly. He blushed more than he had ever in his life. He wasn't a virgin but still he felt as if he was.

They drove to her place a big house in the center of London with view at the coffee shop. They were kissing and teasing each other in the top of her double bed. Zach's hand travelled down her naked body and teased her. It wasn't just sex, it was love. He needed love more than anything else and this woman was offering it lavishly.

Every movement they made wasn't just something for their own pleasure but it was like dancing. Two bodies, divided in one. 

The next morning Elvira woke up prior to Zach and admired him sleeping. He seemed so peaceful like he was happy. She also wondered if he was ever going to trust her enough to admit his mental pain to her. He snorted slightly and opened both of his eyes. 

Elvira good morninged him with a kiss. "I like you a lot, Zach. Please tell me it is mutual." She demanded showing him her weak and insecure side.

"It is. I felt something for you, from the very first time your caramel eyes locked with my plain brown ones." Zach reassured her.

"Your eyes are everything but plain, Zach." She said back and then went to the kitchen to prepare something for her man to eat.

hey, thank you guys so much for 15 votes ♥
I've been listening to Chase Atlantic a lot lately ♥ they are so good.
They send you a The Neighbourhood and The1975 vibe :)

baby blue // zach abelsWhere stories live. Discover now