e l e v e n

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Zach walked the Oxford Street and walked into the library. The only place in the world that nothing else mattered nor his past, nor Elvira who had to see him a month or so. Maybe she was with someone who wasn't a murder. He chuckled to himself and assigned each book to the suitable shelf. He tried to drawn this dire feeling he felt by listening to some music on his iPod.

"Zach, are you okay?" Timothy, the cashier asked.

Zach nodded but didn't look at Timothy. "You haven't suggested any book to anyone today and you speak less than usual. I mean you rarely ever talk, but today it's like the cat got your tonque." Timothy worriedly stated.

"I'm fi-fine, Tim." Zach stuttering was back.

Timothy gave him a sympathetic look while he shot his eyes back to the book he was reading.

Zach's thoughts drifted to space. He felt aweful, he had someone and just so decided to let them go. Easily.

Blue. Blue like his sad personality, like the melancoly. He would paint himself blue with no clouds to interrupt his calmness. All of the suden he didn't feel direly nor aweful but calm. Not happy, not okay, just calm.

Jesse stepped in the library to agitate Zach's calmness. Jesse smirked at him and then handed him a book. "Why are you reading a book?" Zach asked without stuttering. He felt weirdly for gaining back his ability to use sarcasm.

"Idiot, read the writer and the tittle." Jesse said and Zach took the book

Baby Blue by Elvira Palmer.

Zach frowned and looked Jesse who pointed at the description in the back of the book. Zach goggled his eyes and saddly read it. 

When a boy with a troubled past is too afraid to let it go.
Andrew is a shy lovely boy on the outside letting anyone think of that. In fact he's been overwhelmed with anger ever since his father started harassing his own family.
Is love always right? Is Andrew taking the right path to justice?

Zach gritted his teeth. "Ca-can I have my break now?" he asked Timothy with a voice ready to change into sobs. Tim just nodded seeing him been a mess.

Zach walked out of the library followed by Jesse.

Once they were alone he let the steam of tears run down from his eyes to his cheeks and then his heart. Jesse tapped with sympathy his shoulder. "She used me." Zach said.

"I'm sure she didn't. How did she know from first sight that your life is a best seller.?" Jesse asked sitting beside his buddy.

"She was writing it during our relationship. She's like everyone else!! How would I let a pair of caramel eyes to deceive me that easily?" Zach asked looking at the cloudy sky. It was about to rain.

"She helped you Zach to get over your anthropophobia." Jesse said but Zach's mind was all about asking her why.

Why did see used him?
Why did she tell him that she loved him?
Why was she lying?

"I'll found her and ask her. I'll ask her why" Zach stated looking at the pond of rain drops. He was right, it was raining again.

"Let's go back to the library it's chilly and pouring in here. " Jesse suggested feeling sick.

+school has started and i hate my life. lmao the next chapter is going to be very very omygAd but i'll explain why in the next chapters :3

baby blue // zach abelsWhere stories live. Discover now