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"Bye" I greeted her with a smile on my lips before I slowly pulled the phone away from ears and a jawn made it way to my lips.

"Done?" Ahsaan asked walking towards me and I nodded before handing him his phone.

"Go to sleep, you look tired!" Ahsaan said while I stood up and slowly made my way out the living room and I could tell that he was behind me as I was walking up the stairs. I really didn't want to take the lift now.

I walked up the stairs while a happy feeling inside made my tiredness fly away. I was feeling tired before but now I feel like there is no tomorrow and I want to enjoy it. Calling her my sister felt good but it still stung that she didn't got her love. What could have happened between them? I just hope my new sister is fine!

I was walking up the stairs when I halted in my tracks as a sudden memory flashed through my mind.

"Alisha?" I was out of my thoughts when I heard Ahsaans voice beside me. I looked up at him and then realized that I had stopped on the stairs.

"What happened?" He asked and I shook my head "Nothing" I told him before walking up the rest of the stairs. I took a turn once I was upstairs and then made my way to the hallway where my room comes. When I reached my room I was going to open my door when I stopped in my tracks and turned around to face Ahsaan. I can't sleep before getting an answer to the question I am going to ask him about.

"Ahsaan?" I called him out when I turned to face him, however I found him leaning against his doorframe while looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

"I ... I ... I wanted to ask you something?" I said and he slowly nodded "Go ahead".

I didn't know how to ask this question but I needed to get the answer because this will be my last 'considering thought' before I will take the big decision and turn my life either upside down or downside up on a straight path.

"M-My parents. How are they?" I asked looking straight in his eyes while playing with my hands in nervousness remembering how I slapped him last time when he let me meet my parents.

There was silence. It felt like a silence before the storm however what made me gulp a lump in my throat while making my heart beat slow was the hard look in his eyes as if he was remembering the moment where my hand slapped his cheek.

"Your parents?" He asked as if laughing at me.

"The parents you humiliated?" He asked as I looked down at his harsh words. I could feel the tears that was daring to run free however I controlled them.

"You know they have been worried about you since that day but they never got the chance to talk to you after that they. The mom that was almost begging me to make her talk to you however you were so angry at them because of the decision they had taken for you, that made you so insane that you didn't even bothered to say goodbye to them. Are you asking how they are?." He said making me remember how much of a horrible daughter I am. I can't be angry upon Ahsaan for saying these things to me because I know that he is right. The things he is saying and making me count, it's all the bad things that I did to them. What did they want? My safety! And what did you give them Alisha? You humiliated them, told them that you hated them, you were ungrateful, and most of all you hurt them. I know they will never forgive me for that, but I need to talk to them and tell them that I am sorry for everything that I had done and said to them.

I was brought out of my own thoughts when I felt a grip on my wrist and I was pulled into an unfamiliar room. It was Ahsaans room. He shut the door behind him and backed me up against it before asking "After all the things you did to them. Do you still want to know how they are?" He asked me in a harsh tone which made me close my eyes tight and the tears I was holding back left my eyes and rolled down my cheeks and I went into sobs before I fell on my knees while Ahsaan took a step backwards.

"I ... I know t-that I am the wo-worst dau-daughter ever. I ... I know" I confessed to myself, sobbing.

"I was mad, mad on myself and mad on YOU for letting you play with my emotions. I was hurt when I told you about my sister who died and my parents whom I wanted attention from. Honestly speaking then you were the first person I thought that I could trust on. The things I told you. I never told them to anyone before. YOU were the first one even before my parents and when I found out you knew it and not just knew it but you know the real reason which I still don't know I was hurt and the trust I had upon you, it ... it died. I felt like a fool who shared everything I had on my heart to someone I thought would understand but NO. You decided to heal my pain by throwing a condition which just broke everything that I had." I let out the burden my heart had been bearing to him who just stood there looking at down at me. I wiped away my tears before standing up.

"I know that I did wrong to them" I told him while taking steps towards him

"But tell me one thing! When YOU played with my emotions, was it RIGHT?" I asked looking him in his vivid black eyes waiting for an answer.

"Wasn't it wrong to make me feel like there was someone who cared?" I asked him letting the tears roll down.

"Wasn''t you supposed to help me?" I asked grabbing his shirt.

"If you weren't supposed to heal me then WHY did you bring back all the memories that I couldn't get an answer to?" I showed him with another question while he took a step back and I one with him too.

"How do you think I felt when they lied to me? Or how do you think I felt when YOU broke my trust? Or when you made me feel like you cared?" I pulled him back and forth with the shirt however he just stood there listening to me.

"Ahsaan, you were the one to break me ... yet you tried to heal me a-again, Why?" I whisper-asked leaning my head on his chest while my hands were tighten around his shirt and my eyes were closed stopping the access for tears to run down.

"What was my fault other than testing my parents attention towards me? And being stupid to think that YOU cared?" I asked him while my eyelids began to feel heavy.

I took steps forwards while Ahsaan made his move backwards while resting his hands on my waist and looking me in the eyes but I couldn't figure out the emotions as my lids were getting heavier.

"What was my fault Ahsaan? Please, tell m-" I said walking with him asking him questions but the overwhelming emotions and the soreness of my body since I trained the whole week without break, it were making me really sleepy and I almost lost my consciousness however my steps suddenly tangled into Ahsaans as he had stopped moving and we fell backwards. I closed my eyes tightly shut waiting for the pain however the thud came and we landed down but it was on a soft bed with me upon Ahsaan as he was holding my waist and I fell upon him. I opened my eyes and looked into his who was staring into mine while I tightened my grip on his shirt by our proximity and my fast pounding heart.

"Ahs-" I was going to say something when my eyelids closed, my head fell upon his hard toned chest and I blanked out upon him.

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