Chapter 2

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**All Lyrics belong to Billie and Green Day**

Once you had arrived at the studio, you put your car into neutral, applied the handbrake and grabbed your bag before you got out of the car. "Hey, Mike." You smiled, as Mike, who was grabbing his phone out of the car that was parked next to yours. You locked your car and waited for Mike. "Hey, (Y/n)." He smiled. "Left my phone when I came in this morning." This made you laugh, knowing that Mike does this most mornings when he arrives at the studio. You began walking side by side. "How're the kids?" Mike asked, tilting his head to the side slightly. "Oh, you know, mostly moody teenagers." You both laughed before you asked: "How's Brittney and your kids?"

"They're the same." He admitted. "Billie told me about your delightful family breakfast this morning." He added, gritting his teeth at the sensitive topic. "Yeah, it was really delightful. It's a shame you weren't there." You laughed, before shaking your head. "I just don't know what goes on in that girl's head sometimes." You thought about Billie and how close he used to be with Amelia. "I think it's hard for Billie, but he won't admit it." You explained. "I mean, she was his little girl, now she's growing up and acts like she doesn't need him anymore."

Mike shook his head. "She'll always need her Dad." He explained. "Billie is a fantastic Dad, not just to Amelia but all four of them, and she probably knows that more than anyone." You nodded, like always, Mike was able to talk sense into the situation, whatever it was. "I've heard about this boyfriend." Mike added after a few moments. "Billie can't talk about him without getting mad." 

You rolled your eyes slightly before agreeing with Mike. "Yeah, Billie fucking hates him and, honestly, so do I." You admitted. "I get it, she's growing up and she wants to be independent and date. Believe me, I'm not one to stop her or judge her, because look at how young Billie and I were when we got together, but there's something not right about this guy she's seeing." You remember the numerous conversations you've had with Billie about this guy when you were certain that everyone was in their bedrooms. "But you know what Amelia's like. We can't say anything to her because she'll get defensive and put her barriers up, so to speak."

You and Mike couldn't help but laugh, the two of you thinking exactly the same thing. "Amelia is her fucking father through and through." Mike smiled.

"What are you two laughing about?" Tré asked as he stood with Billie as You and Mike walked into the studio. You greeted Billie and kissed him. "We were just saying how Amelia is definitely like Billie." 

Tré grimaced. "One Billie is enough, never mind two of them."

"You cheeky fucking bastard." Billie said, "Nothing wrong with being like me." He said proudly, "Other than the fact that Amelia and I clash like I don't know what." 

"Yeah," Tré said, solemnly, "Especially since she got this boyfriend." Billie quickly turned to look at Tré,  annoyed at him for bringing Declan up in conversation. Tré's eyes widened and he took a step back, smiling to diffuse the situation, which made Mike laugh.

"You better fucking run," Billie said, pointing at Tré before his arm wrapped itself around you once more. "I fucking hate that Declan, kid."

"Don't worry Billie," Mike said. "As your best friends, and as her Uncles and Godfathers, Tré and I will absolutely help you kick his ass if he does anything to hurt her. " You smiled at his reassuring words; Mike and Tré were Amelia's, Joey, Jakob, and Piper's godparents, and it always made you and Billie happy to see how much they loved them, just as You and Billie did with their children. "How's Piper doing?" He asked. 

"Really anxious at the minute, and Amelia definitely doesn't help the situation." Mike nodded, understanding Piper's anxiety. "Wait till Piper gets a boyfriend," Tré said, and Billie turned around quickly again, making Tré run to the other side of the room. "Not if I've got anything to do with it." Billie then turned to you. "Did the kids get to school okay?" He asked, wrapping his arms around your waist. "You just want to know if I saw Amelia and Declan, don't you?" You asked him, knowing him all too well. 

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